Asus A9rp not entering BIOS

gigel gigi

Oct 14, 2013
Hello !
So a friend a mine has an old laptop Asus A9rp (Intel Celeron, 512 mb ram ) and he asked me to reinstall windows xp because it gets a bsod (UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME) after the windows loads up.
When i try to enter bios at asus logo before booting nothing happens, i tried all "f" keys also del.
When i used insert key a post appeard with the logo "american megatrends" and it says press F2 to run set-up , i pressed the F2 but nothing happend and continued to scan memory and after that booting to windows.
I can't check if the disk is broken without bios nor to change boot order to boot from cd.
I tried also the Fn Keys combination.
What can i do to enter the Bios?
I read on the network that resetting the bios would do the trick and using a separate keyboard.But i cant afford to open the laptop to play with jumpers because its not mine.

Thanks ! Have a good one !
Yes i need to change boot priorities. I tried with ESC key too and nothing happened.Neither on Asus logo or "american megatrends" logo which appear after presing the insert key.It goes very fast to check memory and controlers.
I will read the manual carefully.Maybe ill find something.
The bios didn't showed up but i managed to get to the screen when its said "press any key to boot from cd" by pressing ESC and after F2.
In the manual said the same for Bios (key F2).The device is too old.Even my phone has more ram.:)
Thanks for help.