Asus N550JK screen problems


May 28, 2016
I have an Asus N550JK. One day, the screen just stopped working. Everything else on the laptop comes on, except the screen. It remains pitch black, no glow or anything.

I tried reconnecting the LCD cable, taking out the battery and discharging the static in the laptop. I even tried replacing the screen altogether. The new screen does the same thing.

I can use the laptop if I plug it into the television through the HDMI port. I was also able to make out parts of the screen when I placed a flashlight behind it. So, the screen comes on, the backlight just isn't working.

I thought that issue would be fixed by replacing the screen, but it didn't help. I can't seem to find any replacement backlights or inverters for this particular model either. I'm running out of ideas.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Thanks for your reply! I looked in the same area as the pictures you posted, and I saw one component that had burned out.

Image of motherboard:

Image of removed component:

I'm going to try replacing it and see if that helps. I'll reply when I'm able to do the repair. Thanks again for your help!

Thanks for the offer to help. It'll be a few days before I can get the part, but I'll be sure to update when I do. Here's hoping it works.

Update: Well, I got the part and put it on, but it's still not working. I'm not sure what went wrong. I may end up just sending it to Asus if I can't figure anything out.