Asus ROG GL552VW high CPU and GPU temps.


Oct 1, 2010
Hello all,

I recently got an Asus GL552VW , im very frustrated,

Current specs:


I am getting cpu idle temps of 55-65c under load up to 93c max running world of warcraft. The laptop is running VERY hot. THe gpu goes from 75-88 max as well. I dont really hear the fans spinning, so I went to speedfan, msi afterburner, even bios, and nothing to control fans at all. I have looked at other benchmarks with this laptop and i seem to be running way hot.




I am only running wow during these tests. What is up with this heat? I have a year and a bit remaining on warranty. Can I contact Asus? or is this something that can be fixed.

Hope to hear back from you guys soon.
Well it could be a fan related issue as well, as you've mentioned that you can't hear them a lot. For the time being you could try not to play any games, so that you don't damage the overheating components (even though reaching the TjMax should automatically restart or shutdown computer, to prevent damage to the CPU).
When you take your laptop for cleaning you might want to ask for a overall diagnosis just to make sure that all the components are in good condition.
Hey there, stell4r.

When it comes to laptops and overheating in 9 out of 10 cases it just needs cleaning and perhaps a change of the CPU thermal paste. This is quite common with laptops, especially if your place tends to accumulate dust more than usual, or if you have a pet (I have a Siberian husky and you can imagine the hair it sheds and the problems I have with my laptop). It's usually recommended to clean it up at least once a year (of course it can be more often depending on your situation).
Another thing, which is a must (in my opinion) for gaming laptops is a cooling pad. This is actually a pretty helpful gadget, which could easily bring down the temperature with around 10C°.

However, your laptop is still under warranty, so I'd recommend that you contact the computer manufacturer for advice, before you take it to a computer service shop for cleaning and maintenance, so that you make sure that you don't void the warranty.

Hope that helps.
After about 15 minutes in game. this is very concerning. I put in a message to asus, hopefully they will allow the warranty to be transferred to me. as I purchased it off craigslist.

Well it could be a fan related issue as well, as you've mentioned that you can't hear them a lot. For the time being you could try not to play any games, so that you don't damage the overheating components (even though reaching the TjMax should automatically restart or shutdown computer, to prevent damage to the CPU).
When you take your laptop for cleaning you might want to ask for a overall diagnosis just to make sure that all the components are in good condition.
hello steel4r, I have the exact same laptop i bought mine about 3 months ago and mine gets extremely hot as well
I use a program called "speccy" to monitor my temps while gaming and my CPU and GPU get 87c while gaming on lowest settings possible for only 15 min. and also my motherboard gets to 90c while gaming even on lowest possible settings. my laptop gets so hot that if you touch the left vent i can actually burn myself.i'm extremely disapointed in this laptop as i paid 1,500 canadian for it with a 256 ssd and though it has great specs gets way to hot and slows down the laptop i wish i can return it 🙁 if you find any solutions of why it gets so hot pls message me thanks.
Hey belowaverage.

As already mentioned those temperatures are a bit concerning. Send it for a checkup and/or repairs. If it's still under warranty you might try to RMA it, but that depends on the vendor you got it from and/or the manufacturer.
