Asus TP550LD ram upgrade not recognized


Jun 10, 2016
I bought Gskill 4gb DDR3 1600 laptop RAM, after inserted the ram, restart laptop, both windows and CPU - Z doesn's recognized the new ramm it only 4GB ram, but in SPD tab i see slot 1 recognized that ram, i go to BIOS Legacy it dont's have anything effects to memory.
My system scan via Crucial :

Your ASUS Transformer Book Flip TP550LD
memory :
Maximum memory: 12GB
Slots:1 (1 bank of 1)
*Not to exceed manufacturer supported memory. 4GB

Pls help and sr my english

ok i solved this problem, because my main support DDR3L Ram and i bought DDR3 so it don't recognized, i was buy a new one DDR3L and everything sovled.

Just want to verify, the laptop does boot up with the 4GB RAM upgrade, right? It just not being detected. Have you check Computer Properties if it's going to list 4GB? Right click on Computer then select Properties and see if it will read the RAM. If it's not going to listed last option would be reinstalling Windows. The laptop does boot up just fine it's just the OS that doesn't recognize it.
first check the bios and see if it sees all the ram. if not contact Gskill and see if the memory you bought is compatible.
If the bios see's it, in addition to Laptop_Nerd's offerings, you need to be running a 64bit version of windows to use more then 4gb total.
thanks guy, but my problem is my laptop has 4GB onboard ram and it's 8.1 Pro OS when i insert Gskill Ram 4G, it's only have 4GB Ram, CPu - Z recognized that ram in SPD tab.

I3 4010U
4GB Ram Onboard
Bios 211 download from Asus site
ok i solved this problem, because my main support DDR3L Ram and i bought DDR3 so it don't recognized, i was buy a new one DDR3L and everything sovled.
Do the specs match for the onboard RAM and new G.Skill RAM?

Sounds like they may not be able to work together.