Solved! Audio stops working when smart tv is connected

Jun 25, 2018
I just bought a samsung NU7100 tv and I have an onkyo nx747 receiver. I have my pc,ps4 and satellite box plugged into the avr with hdmi and and hdmi connecting the avr to the tv. For some reason I lose sound from satellite when connected to tv. As soon as I unplug the hdmi ti the tv it comes back. Any thoughts on this?
Try turning CEC off in the TV. CEC is supposed to make using a system easier to use by sending commands from the TV to components connected to it via HDMI. It often screws up. If you can find CEC in the receiver then turn it off there too.
I just tried that and nothing happened. I also unplugged the hdmi from the arc spot than the sound came back for a second than the tv did something than the sound was gone
So on the back of the onkyo there are 3 2.2 hdmi slots and the rest are normal I guess there for the 4k pass through. I had the satellite box plugged into one of them. I switch it to a normal hdmi port and it seems to be working now.
Thanks for the help