Automated file renaming after data retreival


Feb 14, 2012
I lost a large amount of data : Pictures and video. I want to know if there is an automated way to retrieve filenames from the data files i have retreived.

Right now the video files are identified by : sector xxxxxxxx. Indicating what the data retreival software was able to identify and the file type : JPG, AVI, MP4, MKV

But initally they were identified by either the movie title or tv show and season/episode.

I used a combination of different software to retreive the images and video and now have the daunting task of getting everything back in order.
If there is meta data in the files (right-click on them and see if anything shows up under the Details tab), you can probably do something with a script to get the original names back. If not, you just have to look at what the file is and rename it manually.

For pictures, try loading them into Picasa from Google, it should be at least be able to load the meta data tags from the pictures if not be able to rename the files based on that.