Automatically Adjust Screen Resolution when using HDMI Switch with Monitor and TV


May 24, 2012
I'm using an HDMI switch to connect my computer (input) to a computer monitor (output #1) and a TV (output #2).

When I switch the output from the monitor to the TV, the sides of the image on the TV are cut off. The only way to get the image to display correctly is to change the screen resolution (from 1920x1080 to 1776x1000).

When the TV is selected as the output, my computer still "thinks" the computer monitor is connected to my PC (Screen Resolution -> Display still shows the monitor's name).

If I connect the computer directly to the TV (i.e. no switch), the computer does automatically adjust the resolution settings so that the image is displayed correctly on the TV.

Is there a way that I can get my computer to automatically adjust the screen resolution when I switch to the TV as the output? Or do I just have to manually adjust the display settings every time I want to use the TV?

Hardware Details:
Computer: Windows 7
Monitor: Asus VS238H-P; 1920x1080
TV: Samsung UN55ES6100; 1080p

Thanks in advance for the help.
With using a switch, no. If you just get a multiple HDMI output video card, you can set the different displays to different resolutions and it will be set that way automatically.


May 24, 2012

Thanks for the clear explanation!