meh, trolls be trollin' and haters be hatin'
Sorry, but that was the first thing that came to mind. Really though people overreact to the dumbest things. People draw Muhammed(pbuh) to get attention and to provoke a response. Guess what? Actions like banning Facebook gets them attention, which in turn gives them their sought after erection.
The solution to hate speech? Tell them its not okay, try to educate people. You will succeed with some and fail with others. Ignore the others until they fade into obscurity while protecting yourself from violence. This is what Islam teaches.
Putting out hits on people is not okay and is an Arab cultural innovation ascribed to Islam. The only time violence is allowed in Islam, according to the Quran, is in self defense. Thats it.
Yes, I am also Muslim. I am not moderate nor am I extremist, just Muslim. Go in peace.
P.s. As a side note, being homosexual is not against Islam, homosexual intercourse is. Hence the homosexual Mosque in Canada.