Beyerdynamic dt 770 pro 32 or 80 ohm?

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Oct 15, 2014
So i am going to buy the dt 770 pro, but i dont know if i should get the 32 or 80 ohm version.

I will be using it in my phone, dekstop and laptop.

I am also gonna buy a dragonfly v1.2 if that makes any difference.

So are there any differences in sound quality beteen the two models?

And which should i choose?
not sure why you would bother with the dragonfly when it can only work with the computers not your phone. since it will not work with your phone, i'd get the 32 to be sure but with the 32 its sort of a waste to get an amp at all.

if you used something else like what i was going on about as an amp, it makes sense to go with at least the 80ohm though the 250 is worth thinking about as well. the 80 is bassier while the 250 is a bit more refined (high impedance headphones generally have better control over the drivers which results in a more controlled detailed sound - in general, but is not always the case)

read me!
32 ohm if you intend to use them with a phone or you do not have any dedicated audio hardware like an AMP.

80 ohm if you only intend to use them with dedicated hardware that is capable of properly powering high impedance outputs.

You can use the 80ohm headphones still without the hardware to properly power them, in that case you will probably find the audio to be very quiet.

The dragonfly audio USB DAC is NOT powerful enough to properly power the 80ohms headphones.

The dragon fly isn't very good and is only rated for 12-10 ohms of output impedance.
keep in mind guys... IMPEDANCE (ohms) is not the only factor to consider. very often SENSITIVITY or how efficient the headphones are is more important. some high sensititivy high impedance cans are actually easier to drive than some low efficiency low impedance cans. the dt's really arent that hard to drive though for the best bass it helps to have a good amp as bass draws more power so without a good amp they may be a bit anemic.

out of the lineup 32, 80, 250 the 80 is the bassiest thte 250 the most refined sounding and the 32 the runt without as much impact or detail. not bad but unless you absolutely require the 32 i'd use an amp with the 80 or 250.

the dragonfly is not for phones. i would get an a3 or better yet e12 from fiio as it is just a straight up amplifier and will work with all devices. its also small enough to strap to your phone. if you do not need the device to be portable.. the schiit magni is a powerful amp for a good price.

currently the dt770-250 is only $198. the dt770-80 is $220 and the dt770-m-80 is $150 while the dt770-32 is $160. i believe the m-80 is the same as the 80 but with more sound isolation but i'm not positive.
This is getting a bit overcomplicated, but if i have understood correctly, the 80 ohm will require an amp to play best, while the 32 ohm requires less power, but the sound quality is a tad worse.

Am i correct?
the 32 version is more optimized for portable devices. the downsides are that it will have less bass and less quality.

the 80 is not all that hard to drive, and even the 250 is not. some onboard audio cards can certainly power them though not to their fullest. to get the most out of them you would want an amp.

completely up to you what route you want to take and if you feel like buying an amplifier.
not sure why you would bother with the dragonfly when it can only work with the computers not your phone. since it will not work with your phone, i'd get the 32 to be sure but with the 32 its sort of a waste to get an amp at all.

if you used something else like what i was going on about as an amp, it makes sense to go with at least the 80ohm though the 250 is worth thinking about as well. the 80 is bassier while the 250 is a bit more refined (high impedance headphones generally have better control over the drivers which results in a more controlled detailed sound - in general, but is not always the case)

read me!
Just bought dt 770,s 32 ohm version. Clearly the best headphones i have ever had. Was compering long time against audio technica 50mx and AKG k 512 mkii and dt 770 250 ohm with amp. 50mx had too much bass for my taste, AKG was good but somehow slightly harder. The 250 ohm version was, for me, hard to distinguish from 32 ohm, except for real hardcore AC/DC feast I couldnt get enough volume from it with those small headphone amps + my samsung note 2. Go for 32 ohm. Sounds awesome, better than 400€ bose noise cancellers.
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