Blizzard Banning SC2 Single-Player Cheaters Too?

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[citation][nom]kevinqx[/nom]Blizzard isn't banning players who are just cheating in single player, they are banning people who use trainers to modify the game client. Blizzard allows you to use official cheat codes that, when activated, disable achievements. The trainers which modify the game client do not disable achievements. I may not care about achievements, you may not care about achievements, but there are probably some people out there who do care about how many achievements they have compared to everyone else. It's part of the game experience that Blizzard is offering, and they are trying to protect its integrity.In any event, modifying the game client is against the EULA you agree to you play the game for the first time. it should also be pointed out that these bans are not permanent bans, but 14-day bans.[/citation]

To all those saying blizzard is gay, the quote above is spot on.
There are plenty of cheats that are legal for single player...

Good Job Blizzard... Keep on banning.

FYI, I don't give a damn about acheivements... I am simply for 100% fair play.

Blizzard administration for president world president 😛
Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded.
Result Cheat Code
God mode terribleterribledamage
5 million credits in single player campaign whysoserious
That's stupid. So does Starcraft II even have built in cheat codes anymore like previous Blizzard games? Because I'll be honest, RTS games bore the hell out of me, but I still like to see the story unfold and see what happens. So if I were to ever get Starcraft II, I'd definitely consider god moding it. I did that with Warcraft 3 about 3/4ths of the way through when I was sick of going through the same crap over and over again.
[citation][nom]Maxor127[/nom]That's stupid. So does Starcraft II even have built in cheat codes anymore like previous Blizzard games? Because I'll be honest, RTS games bore the hell out of me, but I still like to see the story unfold and see what happens. So if I were to ever get Starcraft II, I'd definitely consider god moding it. I did that with Warcraft 3 about 3/4ths of the way through when I was sick of going through the same crap over and over again.[/citation]


Yes, there are built it cheat codes! That's not what the idiot was banned for.
I knew I had good reason not buy this. Not just because Activision/Blizzard became greedy, three part game at Kiddie Console prices or lack of setting up LAN games yourself, now their control freak mentality has showed it's colors.
Blizzard is certainly within their rights to police their game any way they see fit. On the flip side, I am within my rights to think they are the next EA and no one else has realized it yet. This is why I avoid Blizzard games in the modern era.
[citation][nom]the_krasno[/nom]So THAT is why I pirated SC2...[/citation]

Naw, you probably couldn't afford it, and waited for this very moment to make yourself sound cool.
I bought SC2, played half the campaign and I wish I could sell it but no one wants to buy it. What did they do from 2007 until 2010? They used the 2003 WC3 engine and didn't bother upgrading the texture res very much. The game isn't bad, it was just terribly disappointing.
[citation][nom]johnnyho[/nom]For the love of.... READ THE DAMN ARTICLE BEFORE YOU COMMENT ON IT!Yes, there are built it cheat codes! That's not what the idiot was banned for.[/citation]



srsly.. most ppl read the headline, feel indignant, and post away.

[citation][nom]simple_inhibition[/nom]Just wait for blizzard to start banning SC2 players for being korean... 0.o[/citation]
[citation][nom]simple_inhibition[/nom]Just wait for blizzard to start banning SC2 players for being korean... 0.o[/citation]

Do you think when you set the game to its hardest setting in single player your actually playing the Computer AI. NOPE, its a Korean kid paid for by blizzard who's just waiting to be used for a hardest setting game. Its his sole purpose in life. They won't ban them, they need them!
CheatHappens' trainer has much more functionality and cheats (single player) than the built-in cheat codes. It's actually fun assuming you already finished the campaign without trainer/cheat.

Example: teleport units around (1 at a time)... increase or decrease timer... drain or restore health...
[citation][nom]adamboy64[/nom]It seems kinda sad they're doing this. When I've played the life out of an RTS, I throw on cheats and things to squeeze out that last bit of playability.[/citation]

thats considering the rts has a limited gameplay lifespan. but we're talking about sc here, it will never die.
My first reaction to the article title was what a lot of the uneducated masses started saying, "Blizzard went to far! No Fair!". However, I read through the article and fully understand the situation before posting.

I personally like my achievements. I'm proud of the fact that I earned my Kerrigan portrait through my own sweat and tears, as opposed to having to use a trainer to do it.

If this person really wanted to cheat, he could have used what was already built-into the game. Now only did he violate the EULA, he also seriously risked his security as these kinds of programs are breeding grounds for nasty viruses, trojans or other malware.
single player banning mean to stop any addon/mod that is not offically create by blizzard.
when you play your life out of game what you do?? go to web and start download tons of mod. no 3rd party mod = more possible DLC for sale.

computer gamer of today dont know what they miss from good ol day.
there tons of mod when Quake come out.. matter of fact TF was a mod, so does CS.
civ3 and civ4 also got tons of mod which extend their useful life. matter of fact i'm waiting for more mod coming out before i buy civ5 from steam.
even semi-new game such as fallout3 in PC you can download mod and addon

i do really think this banning is for DLC sale more then anything else.
We are still talking about a frakking video game here, right? Online is one thing, but what I do offline shouldn't be anyone's business. EULA or not, modifying the game for personal enjoyment, not affecting online play, shouldn't be a big deal.

"Heaven forbid anyone modifies games nowadays, only the developers and their partners should do that type of thing."
[citation][nom]Smochina[/nom]Cheating should be a legal offense. I can't wait for the day game cheaters will end up in prison, or electrocuted.[/citation]

Good thing there's no death penalty for dumb comments. We'd miss you.
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