@f-14 There's nothing inherently wrong with communism. That would be fascism. Theres an important difference. Communism is based on cooperation and public control of industry for the good of the population (In theory by voting, or some other form of communal government). Fascism is government control of everything for the betterment of, well, the government, at the cost of the livelihood of the population. I'd say something that does no good for the general population is a more fascist idea than a communist one.
Russia's dictatorship calling itself communism gives communism a bad name. (Communism still doesn't work, but the reason it doesn't work isn't an overbearing government. Communism leads to an overbearing government because no one does anything when they can just let everyone else do the work for them, and when everyone acts this way, nothing gets done. So you get an overbearing government, which has little to nothing to do with the ideals that created it.)
Sorry for the political rant, It just really bugs me how often people just assume communism = dictatorship/overbearing government when the ideas it is based off of are so far from it.
More on topic, lame move by blizzard. It's true that single-player hacks are against the EULA, so they are free to ban as they please, but that doesn't make it good that this is in the EULA in the first place. If these people want to cheat for their achievements, they are just going to find another easy way to get them anyway (looking up all the enemy spawns, memorizing a build order tailored to the campaign level, general farming, etc.) And if they aren't doing it for achievements (i.e., playing a single player mod or custom game balance or w/e), then you aren't doing any good by banning them. Either way, customers lose.