Blizzard Banning SC2 Single-Player Cheaters Too?

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You can Open and modify all of the campaign maps or any no locked map for that matter. You can make a cheat map in the editor and change anything you want. go ahead and make a campaign map multiplayer with cheat codes built in.
The editor is hard to use but, those who write hex editor-hax can figure it out.
The point being you dont need to make a trainer or use one either!
wow....just wow. if that's how it's going to be any cracker/hacker want my copy of starcraft as i no longer need it. i refuse to play online multiplayer due to all the cheaters, but being forced to have an internet connection to play single player.... that was wrong enough, but getting banned for using a cheat to play against myself, that's communism, let me guess nancy pelosi and obamacare got into blizzards ethics. i think that move alone deserves a full refund or a lawsuit. i don't even think obamacare goes so far as to ban aids victims from care or coverage because sodomy is against the law. just wow, really.
I am with Blizzard. A lot of people here never bothered to read the whole paragraph. Blizzard's built in cheat is fine, just not 3rd party trainers. Why use 3rd party trainers when u can get all the cheat codes built in??

realmendrilldeep FTW!!!
I used the cheathappens trainers and I have SC2. I guess now I will not buy any more blizzard games if they threaten to ban me for using trainers offline.
First off, I couldn't care less about SP "achievements".

Second, I can vouch that trainers are clean(not trojans/keyloggers etc). They are also very adamant about using them for SP only, and they are easily detected by PB etc.

My problem with this scenario is, even if someone used at least 1 in game cheat to disable "the precious" and then used the trainer, they would probably still get banned/suspended.

I am so glad I've never had the pleasure/misfortune of dealing with Blizzard.
@f-14 There's nothing inherently wrong with communism. That would be fascism. Theres an important difference. Communism is based on cooperation and public control of industry for the good of the population (In theory by voting, or some other form of communal government). Fascism is government control of everything for the betterment of, well, the government, at the cost of the livelihood of the population. I'd say something that does no good for the general population is a more fascist idea than a communist one.
Russia's dictatorship calling itself communism gives communism a bad name. (Communism still doesn't work, but the reason it doesn't work isn't an overbearing government. Communism leads to an overbearing government because no one does anything when they can just let everyone else do the work for them, and when everyone acts this way, nothing gets done. So you get an overbearing government, which has little to nothing to do with the ideals that created it.)

Sorry for the political rant, It just really bugs me how often people just assume communism = dictatorship/overbearing government when the ideas it is based off of are so far from it.

More on topic, lame move by blizzard. It's true that single-player hacks are against the EULA, so they are free to ban as they please, but that doesn't make it good that this is in the EULA in the first place. If these people want to cheat for their achievements, they are just going to find another easy way to get them anyway (looking up all the enemy spawns, memorizing a build order tailored to the campaign level, general farming, etc.) And if they aren't doing it for achievements (i.e., playing a single player mod or custom game balance or w/e), then you aren't doing any good by banning them. Either way, customers lose.
Don't you just love how they lie in their public statement?
The claim that they have always taken cheating seriously.
How long were map-hacks tolerated on Diablo II?
While Blizzard twiddled its thumbs for the longest time.
Then I'm sure every D2 player remembers the "godly" items
that created severe imbalances. Not only did it take them so long
to remove them but to this day they never explained how they came
into existence in the first place.

Do they truly think that we can't remember the events that took place on one of the most popular titles in its day?
No reason for me to buy the game then, because I do not agree to the EULA. I retain the right to modify any program/application/game on my system. That does not interact or interfere with other users.

All right, half the people here have NO idea what they are talking about.

FIRST – you DO NOT need to connect to to play. You only need to authorize your number on the first startup and after that you are free to play offline as you will. If you are using that third party software OFFLINE you CANNOT get banned, period. OTOH, if you choose to use a third party while connected to battle net there is really only ONE reason that you would do so – to gain the achievements that are disabled when not connected. Before all of you get your panties in a wad get a clue as to what is happening here. You are perfectly capable of using third party cheat clients in single player as you please AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT CONNECT TO BATTLE NET. This is EXACTLY the way it should be and, while I disagree with online activation, the rest of the product as well as the use of the ban-hammer are done EXTREMELY well. is not required for game play but does enhance the experience and you can do anything that you please in single player if you are not breaking the system that has been put in place for those that like achievements.
Thiers not been a blizzard game yet that has not had cheaters, scammers, hackers in abundance more then any other computer gaming company in history, diablo 1& 2 sc 1 wc 1/2/3 are so hacked up its wrecked them, and WoW is so god awull full of cheaters its not even enjoyable any more. Cheating in a comp game is for losers with no real game skillz, a real person with true game skillz doesnt need to cheat they already pwon. Those that use cheats, just suck at games and should just go play with barbie dolls or take up less challenging ventures since they dont have the skill set to win, without cheating.
Thiers not been a blizzard game yet that has not had cheaters, scammers, hackers in abundance more then any other computer gaming company in history, diablo 1& 2 sc 1 wc 1/2/3 are so hacked up its wrecked them, and WoW is so god awull full of cheaters its not even enjoyable any more. Cheating in a comp game is for losers with no real game skillz, a real person with true game skillz doesnt need to cheat they already pwon. Those that use cheats, just suck at games and should just go play with barbie dolls or take up less challenging ventures since they dont have the skill set to win, without cheating.
They can't keep me from using trainers when playing single player mode offline. I don't even have a account for them to be able to locate or stop me, so it's no sweat off of my back. 🙂

Since I don't know what the achievements provide in SC2. Why is Blizzard even doing this?

I know that using trainers again's the EULA but seriously Blizzard is going hardcore on a witch hunt on this game when TBH they need to knock it off with trying to police their own game in this instance and give their players the power to REPORT Multi-Player cheaters.

You get reported, you get put on a watch list. YOu get reported whiel on the watch list enough you get banned. Want unbanned? Plead your case, if you can prove you don't cheat then your pulled off the list and then your free to go.

Blizzard honestly needs to stop trying to help with a problem by half assing it. WoW is still their golden goose and they need to stop pretending they care about SC2 when it's their MMO that's paying the bills there.

And for all you Blizzard humpers there's some good points in this article comments you have blindly voted down just because of the terms in the EULA.
You can't just go and buy a game these days and play it the way you want to play it. Also they should have you Agree to their EULA before you fork over your money not, go and buy it, open the seal, start to install then it gives you a EULA with a quick check box on the bottem that says yes, knowing only 99% might read it and 1/2 of that 1% might understand the dang thing. For single player let someone do as they wish. I understand for multiplayer give the ol' Ban Hammer!
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