Blizzard Banning SC2 Single-Player Cheaters Too?

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Cant you just disconnect your ethernet cable once you're in game? Wont the game still play once its already loaded? If so, then they could never know you cheated.
When I played Diable 2 I beat it twice without cheating because I wanted to be able to say that I didn't cheat. At the same time it was fun for about an hour or two to create a totally god like character to beat up on things.

I don't want my achievements viewable for everyone to see. I never played online with others for any game I have gotten(with a few momentary exceptions). I don't think that is necessary for single players and don't care to look at my stats or have the information available online. I don't want to see my friends stats cause I just don't care to have that information.
The question should be, why is single player tied into anything online? Oh, that's right, to take away any type of control a person has over SCII. Achievments were added to soften the blow of not being able to anything you want with a product you bought and paid for. Valve does the same thing. All of the "upgrades" added to Steam is just a way to put a happy face on the fact you don't own a thing. The gaming industry has turned out to be one of the most blatent anti-consumer industries around.

I didn't buy SCII because of needing to report to "big brother". I'm glad none of my money went to support a(nother) company who feels that their customers are nothing more than walking atms.
This is such crap! I'm tired of buying a product but actually I'm only leasing it. if I have to abide by your frigging EULA then charge me a small fraction up front and I'll pay monthly. Just sick and tired of EULA's hyper invasive DRM's how about a nice game of hungry hungry hippo...
[citation][nom]cp8427[/nom]That's just silly. It's only cheating if the other person knows about it. I don't blame Blizzard for banning those who've cheated on them. But then again, I'm not into commitments very much. Blizzard has gotten too clingy and jealous lately. If Blizzard was a woman, I'd cheat on her as soon as she said "We're gunna use real ID's today baby".[/citation]
Sadly, I use to (non-computer) game with a guy that had almost the same attitude as you - cheating is legit as long as you don't get caught. Of course, he had the balls to state if caught then you forfeit the game - and Blizzard has come up with a way to catch people cheating and whacked the ban hammer on 'em, so they should "man up" and accept the ban.

Now, I'm all for "allow 3rd party tools and disable the acheivements/ban hammer" option in the software, because anyone who researches knows these intangible rewards do have value and weight.
[citation][nom]Proxy711[/nom]Blizzard has cheats for single player like every RTS they have out. why do ppl find the need to use a 3rd party program to cheat when they have a first party option anyway?[/citation]

It's because of those stupid achievements.
I don't have a lot of money right now I'M really poor but in the future I was going to buy a Starcraft 2 for me and my mate. I didn't even torrent it, I've been holding off since release. Also holding off until the patch that puts LAN back in the game... which I don't think was released or will be.

This is pretty much the last straw for me and I think most of you are insane in defending this corporation. we should be changing the system so that we own games rather than licensing them.

I don't see any reason they could not have had a mode where people could play offline the traditional way. most of you haven't even looked at the big picture.

If we can't use a trainer to get extra functionality that maybe the cheats don't have then we can't mod it with real mods or many other things.

I'm going to go pirate it right now, A pirate copy is better because I can do all the things blizzard says I'm not allowed to do, like cheat offline or mod it, and I don't have to be included in some stupid achievement system that no one even should care about. xbox 360 has achievements for many many games. blizzard has it for what 2 games?

is that system even really worth while with so few games or just a gimmick. in your life time you will never get as many points or accomplish as much as even my cuz on Xbox live.

maybe you people should think on that a while and then you will realize your arguments aren't well thought out are against the consumer and have more holes in them than swiss cheese.

This isn't how we save computer gaming this is how we put the last nail in the coffin.
[citation][nom]kevinqx[/nom]Blizzard isn't banning players who are just cheating in single player, they are banning people who use trainers to modify the game client. Blizzard allows you to use official cheat codes that, when activated, disable achievements. The trainers which modify the game client do not disable achievements. I may not care about achievements, you may not care about achievements, but there are probably some people out there who do care about how many achievements they have compared to everyone else. It's part of the game experience that Blizzard is offering, and they are trying to protect its integrity.In any event, modifying the game client is against the EULA you agree to you play the game for the first time. it should also be pointed out that these bans are not permanent bans, but 14-day bans.[/citation]

Thanks for clarifying that. TH needs to stop making things so ambiguous.
How is hacking achievements any different than farming them instead of earning them? I played through campaign, but I don't remember any (non-hidden) achievements that were particularly difficult but my point, however, is that people who want to "cheat" for their achievements are going to do it anyway, whether through a hack or through cheap/repetitive gameplay.
Good example was when TF2 added some achivements awhile back. First people just turned most of the servers into achievement-farming games, then achievement servers showed up, and then the text-editor unlock showed up. In all cases, they are getting achievements without actually "earning" them. You ban someone for hacking achievements, then they'll just farm them (which is basically undetectable). Integrity of the achievements is no longer valid in either case, so why ban people for single-player hacks, since it just makes the community upset and does nothing about the perceived problem.
I'm okay with this... working very hard to get some of these achievements and I don't want just anyone to be able to get them. It's not that I care that much, it's that achievements add an extra layer of fun to the game, and if someone else is using 3rd party software to get them, that reduces the overall experience for others.

There ARE cheat codes built in that people can use for single player (but they block achievements). THe only reason to use 3rd party hacks is to get achievements....
That's it Blizzard. You no longer merit ANY money from me, what-so-ever. Too bad since I'm the kind of guy who will buy collector's edition (such as SC2) just for the novelty and I have an interest in it. My Diablo 3 "purchase" - well whenever that comes out, will be in an online download form and no proceeds going your way.

It is too often I now hear about companies claiming their properties as "leases" instead of owned material by the person who bought it. I am incredibly against this idea, who knows what terrible forms it could have in the future games. Ideas such as a 1 year rental program scare the beejesus out of me.
They should separate on and offline playing.
Allowing the character to remain the same, but starting an online game with a character that can not be loaded in offline mode.

That'd mean beginners weapons, beginners health, beginners experience, when starting out online.
Fair for everyone.
When playing online you could slowly build up your status.
They should not involve offline with online playing.
Diablo wouldn't have been as popular for as long as it was without the trainers and mods. Play through the single player once with each class and there's not a lot of reason to play it again. Play through with different gear and modified stats, what difference does it make to the publisher?

This is really only the beginning with the requirement for online connections opening up all sorts of new ways for the company to check up on how you're using software you've licensed and what hardware you have, what other applications you may have, etc.
[citation][nom]Dirtman73[/nom]Ban away. SC2 is nothing but a geek masturbation celebration anyway.[/citation]
And, apparently, it's also a way for people to comment on an article they don't read as well :)

I really love seeing all these people asking the questions answered in the article. Do you people think that having an outburst against a company punishing people in the wrong makes you cool? I'm just at a lose for words for any other answer.
Obviously cheating should not be permitted in games that are as competitive as Starcraft 2. It is similar to having an Ace up your sleeve in poker or moving a piece into check in chess when the person looks away.

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