Boot device not detected

Jul 13, 2018
Hi all,
So I bought a new laptop and I’ve had it for a week now and it suddenly won’t boot correctly. It says there’s no boot device detected and I’ve tried enabling the legacy startup but that doesn’t work, I think it may be that the actual hard drive may have become disconnected. Now if this is the actual problem, I need to figure out how to get the darn thing open so I can get to it and I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I’m more of a desktop person but I’m currently deployed so I decided to buy and bring a laptop and now my primary source of entertainment is down atm.

Laptop info:
OK - start off by searching for and downloading the service manual if the makers publish one.

You'll need a small Philips screwdriver, a credit card and a piece of paper, preferably A4.

The card is going to help you get into the line in the plastic where the two halves of the case meet. The paper is to ensure the tiny screws going back into the right place. Draw a plan of the base of the laptop, marking or otherwise identify the holes as a circle and as you remove a screw, put it in that circlle.

Remove all the screws on the base and ease the case open. The hard drive is a small flat case, 2½" and 3½". See how it's fixed and carefully ease it away from its plastic cononection guard.

You could buy a caddy for a few...
Jul 13, 2018
See, normally I would just return it to the manufacturer but right now I’m deployed and I don’t have anything to ship it in and I also don’t have the best WiFi, so I wouldn’t be able to download any of my movies and games etc. which is the whole point of me bringing it. That’s why I wanted to know if anyone knew how I could go about taking this thing apart, or how to fix it, but thank you anyways.
OK - start off by searching for and downloading the service manual if the makers publish one.

You'll need a small Philips screwdriver, a credit card and a piece of paper, preferably A4.

The card is going to help you get into the line in the plastic where the two halves of the case meet. The paper is to ensure the tiny screws going back into the right place. Draw a plan of the base of the laptop, marking or otherwise identify the holes as a circle and as you remove a screw, put it in that circlle.

Remove all the screws on the base and ease the case open. The hard drive is a small flat case, 2½" and 3½". See how it's fixed and carefully ease it away from its plastic cononection guard.

You could buy a caddy for a few pounds/dollars, rupees and connect the hard drive to another computer to run Windows CheckDisk.

Good luck.

Good tluck.. [/color][/b]