Boot device not found (3f0)

Marco Daniel

Jul 26, 2016
Hi everyone, ok the problem on my laptop started with this error. Before putting it in the garbadge, I tried with another HDD and it works well. When I plug my HDD with the error as a external disk, it was unalocated... so I repaired it. How do I take this external hdd to work Inside the laptop again.
Hi there Marco Daniel,

How did you repair the drive? Is the drive accessible? In case it is, you really need to take all the data off the drive. In case it is not, you can try to use some data recovery software.

After that, you can test the drive and see what is wrong with it:
Look for pending/reallocated and uncorrectable sectors. In case there are some, then you will need to replace the drive, as bad sectors would eventually continue to appear until the drive becomes completely inaccessible.

D_Know_WD :)
Although I understand wanting to put it back in the laptop, that may not be wise. Such an error usually only happens when there is an error in the BIOS or the drive is going/gone. Since you could get it to work as an external, you are probably better off keeping it as external. It would be wiser to replace it with a new drive, rather than having it go out, yet again.

Should you truly wish to use it though, then you are going to need your Windows OS (Operating System) CD or bootable Windows OS USB device. To replace the OS on the drive.
Hi there Marco Daniel,

How did you repair the drive? Is the drive accessible? In case it is, you really need to take all the data off the drive. In case it is not, you can try to use some data recovery software.

After that, you can test the drive and see what is wrong with it:
Look for pending/reallocated and uncorrectable sectors. In case there are some, then you will need to replace the drive, as bad sectors would eventually continue to appear until the drive becomes completely inaccessible.

D_Know_WD :)