Hi, after I reinstalled GRUB I have the next problems with my Lenovo B50-80:
Looks like I've accidentally triggered the secure boot protection of my computer. Someone with more experience could tell me how to fix it, please?
1) When I try to boot into my OS, I recieve the blue screen 'Security violation':

2) I can't boot from any media (DVD nor USB), I recieve the error 'EFI boot failed'
3) On my bios, I can't disable secure boot . Secure boot status always remain enabled, no matter what I try.

4) Factory reset shows the same blue screen: Security violation

5) If I extract my hard disk or I insert a different hard disk into my laptop I recieve the bios error:
6) If I try to boot my laptop's hard disk in another computer, it doesn't recognize any partition, nor can be read/written.
Looks like I've accidentally triggered the secure boot protection of my computer. Someone with more experience could tell me how to fix it, please?