Hello THF!
I am in the midst of picking out parts for building a HTPC. Here is my current build list:
Mobo: http/www.amazon.com/dp/B007RQ0HKS/?tag=pcpapi-20
Case: http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163208&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Optical Drive: http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136263
CPU: http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116405
Memory: 4GB G.Skillz 1600 Mhz DDR3 Dual Channel kit (already owned)
GPU: GTX 470 (already owned)
OS: Windows 7 (already owned)
HDD: http/www.amazon.com/dp/B005T3GRLY/?tag=pcpapi-20
Couple things I'd like to ask you about:
1. Where is the best place to save some money? For instance...your CPU is too poweful, get a weaker one! Or, get a case with a regular sized 5.25" ODD slow because they're cheaper than the slim editions, etc.
2. What's the best way to integrated wireless functionality via biggest bang for the littlest buck?
3. What kind of speaker system do you guys use w/optical, coaxial, or just plan old DVI/HDMI?
Specific Purpose of This Build:
1. DVD/Bluray play back
1. The mobo has all the features I want, if you offer another one, please keep the same feature-set!
2. I am a big fan of Silverstone!
3. I plan on undervolting my GTX 470 to be used with the 300 watt PSU. I will probably test max power consumption with a 750 watt PSU I have just to make sure I don't go over.
I am in the midst of picking out parts for building a HTPC. Here is my current build list:
Mobo: http/www.amazon.com/dp/B007RQ0HKS/?tag=pcpapi-20
Case: http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811163208&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=
Optical Drive: http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136263
CPU: http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116405
Memory: 4GB G.Skillz 1600 Mhz DDR3 Dual Channel kit (already owned)
GPU: GTX 470 (already owned)
OS: Windows 7 (already owned)
HDD: http/www.amazon.com/dp/B005T3GRLY/?tag=pcpapi-20
Couple things I'd like to ask you about:
1. Where is the best place to save some money? For instance...your CPU is too poweful, get a weaker one! Or, get a case with a regular sized 5.25" ODD slow because they're cheaper than the slim editions, etc.
2. What's the best way to integrated wireless functionality via biggest bang for the littlest buck?
3. What kind of speaker system do you guys use w/optical, coaxial, or just plan old DVI/HDMI?
Specific Purpose of This Build:
1. DVD/Bluray play back
1. The mobo has all the features I want, if you offer another one, please keep the same feature-set!
2. I am a big fan of Silverstone!
3. I plan on undervolting my GTX 470 to be used with the 300 watt PSU. I will probably test max power consumption with a 750 watt PSU I have just to make sure I don't go over.