
Feb 28, 2012
hi i like to buy 1 blu ray home theatre but my lcd screen is 32 inch.... will it be good with this size of the screen to watch bluray movies???????
Fairly certain that copying movies, even for personal use, is a violation of copyright laws and therefore against this forum's policy concerning illegal activity. Additionally, we have no way of confirming whether you're telling the true story or just looking for a way to pirate video. Sorry, but no one here will assist you. Your best bet would be to purchase a blu-ray home theater system (it plays DVDs as well).

-Wolf sends

its a huge grey area really. i think however we can give him advice on what to do without going into that grey area.

ie... advice without specific programs and how to's.


file size is going to be a problem. the average blueray movie can run 15-30 gigabytes in size. i dont know about you but my biggest memory stick is only 64 gigabytes so would only hold two. the largest drive i know of which is still not badly priced is a 128gb stick for $80 which still couldnt hold that many.

converting to dvd format is going to pose a problem as well. keep in mind that the conversion process from hard copy to digital is going to take a very long time. on top of this any processing to convert to dvd format is going to take quite a bit longer if the program doesnt crash on such a huge file. your dvd player may not even be able to read such a large file and you may have to break it up into very small pieces which will be rather annoying when you sit down to watch a movie.

next comes quality. i'm sure that quality will be lost somewhere along the way. formatted dvd disks are not capable of 1080p video. only unformatted disks do. i think mpeg2 (dvd video) supports 1920x1088 maximum so would work but you will probably lose quality (sound and video) along the way.

if you have mostly blueray disks why are you even considering downgrading? buy yourself a blueray player and hook it up to your home theater system. if your home theater system doesnt accept hdmi input then perhaps you should go out and buy a cheap blueray player ($50 or less) and a cheap receiver or amplifier to take the place of your current control unit (below $200).

doing what you suggest will be a complete P.I.T.A. and will result in only poor quality.


Jul 2, 2013

Your answer was very good. I like how to tackle each point on the cons of converting the bluray disc into a DVD format.

On my part, I would suggest that you buy a good Bluray player for those discs of yours upgrading your system would be a good thing trust me or see someone who has knowledge in Home Cinema installation.

USB sticks won't cut it unless, you go for an external drive which has higher capacity but you'll end up deleting movies as time goes by.