Buying New Studio Monitors - (audio people only please)


Jan 14, 2014
So I produce bass heavy music and I only have 400$ to drop on some decent monitors that will help me get my mixes to that next level. First off I'm going to get all my requirements out of the way so i can get an accurate recommendation...

- I don't know if i'd call it a small room but i will be in a bedroom type setup

- I cannot afford a sub so please don't suggest it, I'm aware.

- I produce bass music and need that low end extension to be below 40 probably because you know how tolerances are...especially at the low end.

- I'm REALLY NOT trying to get the rokit 6" G3. Obviously they are a bit colored, BUT I do hear the G3's are much better than the G2's... AND I would be willing to compromise on the coloring of the rokits if it means I actually GET the bass information to work with.

- $400 is really the most I wanted to spend but if I'm just not going to get the low-end for that money I will find a way to make the $500 work.

- I'm going to link a song by an artist in my genre to give you an idea of the low end I'm going to be dealing with. A lot of people don't really get how much of the songs are in the low end until they hear it...

- I really just need accurate and loud bass information for $400-$500(probably asking a lot but it is what it is)

I am split between a couple brands and was wondering if anybody on here has experience with them and with electronic bass music and could advise me (beyond reading a spec off sweetwater haha)
Will I be able to get away with rokit 6 G3's/mackie MR6mk3's? or do I really need the 8" woofer? and IF I need the 8" which of those would you recommend?

$500 monitors(pair)
mackie mr8 mk3 8"
PreSonus Eris E8 8"
JBL LSR308 8"

$400 monitors(pair)
KRK Rokit 6 G3 6"
Mackie MR6mk3 6.5"
Samson Resolv - SE8 8"


Jan 14, 2014
ya ive compared with the sonic sense youtube and soundcloud pages but theres only so much that I can get outa those, i just wanted to hear from people who have experience with these or heard about them. thanks for the response though!


Jan 14, 2014
ok so I finally went into guitar center...and oh my god the difference between these 2 was much larger than I was expecting

The eris is pretty clear but I dont know what everybody is raving about their low end for, it was almost nonexistent compared to the mackies. That being said they were much much clearer in the highs and put the mackies to shame in terms of appearing flat.
The one thing the mackies had going for them was the low end VOLUME. Jesus these things had some BASS WEIGHT, like no way would you need a sub with these things...but it didn't seem accurate. I would love to DJ and listen to music through them but they are clearly going to kill the lows in my production by giving me more than is actually there.

The main thing that sold me on the eris' besides the clarity...the new Mk3 line is made in china, as opposed to the predecessor Mk2 line which was in america. As soon as I heard that it all made sense.

I will be going with the Eris e8's even though I am concerned about their longevity. I really hope that IF these things do brake and I do need to deal with support.... they have their shit together. Otherwise of course, the internet will be hearing about it ;D

Thank you so much for the response!