Buzzing sounds coming from one earphone + it's quieter than the other.

Sep 6, 2018
So at some point yesterday I noticed that my right earphone was much quieter than the left and some kind of buzzing sounds with different frequencies were coming from it. I didn't think much of it as I was just getting off my laptop. After I got home today I plugged in my headphones once again only to find myself completely frustrated with the buzzing. So I looked up for a solution and all I could find was how to balance them out from the Sounds Menu,but they were already at the same volume. I plugged my earphones in my phone and they were working completely fine with no volume difference or any kind of buzzing. So I think that something might have happened with the laptop plug. My laptop's already a year old so I believe that something might have gotten damaged. I tried plugging in another set of earphones which still had their volumes messed up but there was no buzzing coming from the right one. I also tried cleaning the earphone plug by blowing inside to get some of the dust away,then I tried to insert a cotton swab but the plug is just too big for it to fit in.

I've been struggling with this for the past 2 days and that's why I'm turning to this forum. I would be very grateful to receive any ideas.

They may simply just be going out. Electronics like to buzz after a while.

Or yeah the plug may be messed up too, your computer is OOFed.

Try maybe getting a USB splitter that splits into a headphone jack.
They may simply just be going out. Electronics like to buzz after a while.

Or yeah the plug may be messed up too, your computer is OOFed.

Try maybe getting a USB splitter that splits into a headphone jack.