Cable Box Oddities

So I have a Motorola DCH3200 from Comcast connected to my Olevia 232T 720p HDTV via HDMI. The problem is that when I power up both the cable box and the HDTV, the cable box needs a minute or two to "wake up". When I press a button on the remote to change channels, nothing happens for the first couple of minutes. It's almost as if the box it too busy to accept any remote commands (using the standard Comcast provided remote control).

The oddity is when I power up ONLY the set top box. If the set top box is powered on and the HDTV remains off, the set top box accepts remote control commands immediately. Does anyone else experience this or know what's going on?

-Wolf sends
i dont have any issues like that either.. and i was thinking perhaps the television is talking back as the cable box is talking to the television.

i know i would be lost for words if something ment to be silent was speaking.
thats like living alone and somebody you dont know is in your house.
I don't know, guys. I mean the STB "acts" like it's too busy to accept remote control commands, but busy doing what? I mean if it was a handshake issue, then I wouldn't expect to get audio or video on the HDTV until the handshake was complete, but I audio and video immediately. I'd accept that it was some sort of comm issue, but what the heck does a TV need to send back to the STB besides, "signal accepted" (which it obviously does since I get a audio/video signal)?

Again, I don't know what's going on. It's not really an issue as after the first minute or so, everything works as expected. It's just a bit of an oddity.


-Wolf sends
Hey Wolf........
Just a shot in the dark here. Way back when when I had Comcast I had a problem where it seemed the remote only worked when it wanted to. It had to do with the placement of the box. I have a Pioneer plasma and somehow the screen radiated some sort of celestial or otherworldly waveform that actually did interfere with the remote. Once I moved the box away from the tv it worked fine for the most part and my mind has not been taken over....I think. I don't know if the LCD screens emanate the same freakish mindmelting rays or not (TV's are evil and out to get me.). I have not had that problem with the Verizon/Frontier Fios box. I am glad you reminded me of this situation, I was thinking of switching back to Comcast before Frontier starts the rape and pillaging.
^I hope you are done, or not planning , having kids :lol:

If not, I recommend you get some lead underpants.

Lead is too heavy. Aluminum foil works best :)
Been awhile since I have been to these forums. I was surprised to see you and Wolf still hanging.

EDIT: I am actually more surprised that Wolfy had a problem rather than helping with a problem.