Can laptop CPU endure sustained periods of high temps?

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Oct 23, 2016
Hello, well I often do some gaming or video editing, My Laptop is Optimus V from pcspecialists got i7-4710MQ CPU so yeah it often struggles with temps even with cooling pad and well cleaned.

Monitor my temp while gaming with RivaTuner and it often stays around 80-98 degrees. In intel page it says this CPU can handle temps up to 100 celcius, so I wonder, if I stay below 100 celcius is it perfectly cool for my CPU and i dont risk any damage or deterioration of performance from these sustained temps? I should stress that i do some breaks from gaming to cool my own head and let laptop cool ,yet sometimes i play 2-6 hours straight, so I wonder is it completely okay or should I like do something about it? sorry for poor wording, english is my 3rd language.I'll try to clarify ahem:

I want to know if I do risk any damage to my laptop parts by sustaining 80-98 degrees celcius for couple hours or so every day? I heard laptop cpus are more resilient to high temps, i got it cleaned and use a cooling pad Modecom CF-15.Got no issues about temps for my GTX 860M graphics card, just the CPU. I wanna know maybe i should use vsync or lower graphical settings to stress the computer less and operate at lower temperatures or should I stick to recommended settings in every game?
Don't worry. Computers are designed to deal with heat automatically without user intervention. When it gets old, and the thing shuts down suddenly by itself, THEN you know the said mechanism no longer works properly. Hopefully by that time you have grown tired and itching for a new box.


Oct 23, 2016
Have i mentioned im from poor country(person i bought this laptop from was a migrant to UK, cause you know, crapton of people from eastern europe come there for jobs) and expect this laptop to last for 3-4 years more? (it has already been used by 1,5+ years by another person)

So you say sustained periods of close to 100 degrees but below 100 is totally okay and no harm is done even over the long term?


Oct 23, 2016
Could anyone answer if have some time? Unfortunately jsmith's answer to "don't worry" and "computers designed this way" has not put away my worries.. every time i turn on some serious game i see 80-99 degrees or so i keep getting worried for my computer. I've heard a lot of stories with people frying their computers and i totally aint wanna be one of them cause I couldnt afford another laptop for the time being.


You are going to get a lot of opinion on this. You can read the second answer here that goes into it well:

Those temps would make me nervous as you are approaching the max the manufacturer has stated for that processor. You said you had it cleaned but unless the laptop was taken apart and the fan removed and cleaned I would not consider it cleaned. Most people just blow some air through the vents and call it good. If a dust mat has formed it won't get blown out completely and will affect cooling.

So assuming the laptop is clean inside, then the next step is to redo the thermal paste on the heat sink for the processor. This involves a lot of work and a complete dismantling of the laptop.

All this aside, high temperatures will wear the processor faster than low temperatures, just like driving a car will wear the engine more than letting it idle in the driveway. But processors are pretty reliable and unless the heat goes beyond the limits they seem to run a long time.

So I would do what is reasonable to get the temperatures lower (clean it, thermal paste, maybe install a fan control program to increase fan speed) but even if you can't get them much lower, just use the laptop and enjoy it.


Oct 23, 2016

It is true I have not dismantled the cooler but I've redone thermal paste like 2 weeks ago. so you're saying laptop would be fine for years as long as i stay below 100Celcius? Because these temperatures tend to fluctuate quite rapidly, for example in multiplayer games in lobbies i usually get some 40-50degrees gpu and 50-65 degrees cpu. it gets to 90 Celcius at around 30-35% load


In my opinion I think it will be okay to run at those temperatures for the times when you play games on it. It's not running all the time that high so I don't think it will be a problem. As the first answer you got on this says, the laptop is designed to protect itself from overheating and will shut down before it gets so hot that it could cause damage.

You have already done more than most people would in re-applying the thermal paste. Sounds like you just have a hot running laptop, like a lot of people with gaming laptops.


Oct 23, 2016

just dismantled cooler, there was barely any dust in there but just to be certain sprayed crapton of compressed air anyway. Maybe it is possible to install a more powerful higher quality cooler in the laptop instead of the default one from this laptop?
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