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More info?)
Lee Lindquist wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 17:15:46 -0600, Dennis Mayer <>
> wrote:
> >
> > OR a VERY! ruff way to get QAM Cable unencrypted SD& HD is a
> > via Samsung ($249) Digital OTA Tuner T-451...
> > THere are few QAM unencrypted HD Cable Channels Available!!!!
> >Messy!
> I have the T-451 that I use for OTA.
> For fun, I scanned the cable, and found nothing.
> HD channels are available on my cable system, but
> they are on channels in the 700-800 range, which
> I can't tune the T-451 to.
> Am I missing something? Is there anyway to tune
> channels that high with the T-451?
> Thanks.
> --
> - Lee
Using a Samsung T-451 QAM Cable & ASTC Digital Tuner.....
1) Determine all your Local OTA Digital 'Network' Channels
by scanning in the OTA option via T-451....
Manually convert those 'false' Channel IDs (like 2-1 to 23 etc) to
the Correct 'actual' Digital channel numbers on paper.....
2) Disconnect the OTA antenna cable from the T-451 RF Port
and then attach the Cable line to the T-451 RF Port..
3) Use the T-451 channel scan in the STD, HRC(Harmonic), and/or
IRC(Incremental) QAM Cable scan....
These TERMS represent preset Cable Frequencies in QAM....
The T-451 tuner will only uncover 'some' of the Digital
unencrypted QAM Cable channels..
4) The QAM Cable scan offers Cable Channels from 80-1 to 125-1
that includes 80-1, 80-2,80-3,80-4,80-5,80-6, 80-7, 80-8 etc..
THe process is slow and STD scan will find Cable channels not
found in HRC scan group...?? THere are relatively few
unencrypted Digital Channels on a modern Cable system...
The type of QAM Cable channels found are both Digital HD & Digital
and a bunch of my Local QAM HDs It could not find....
Very, very few people know their QAM unencrypted Channel ID's...
I've really never seen this QAM Info published on this News
5) A STD scan plus a HRC scan wipes out the T-451 STD chan info..
A following IRC scan wipes out the previous HRC scan...
So a lot of QAM chan writing is required to document QAM
6) Now the Messy T-451 kickers....
You can only have 1 RF Cable attached to the T-451 Port at any
Pick the OTA antenna or QAM Cable....
As for manual Chan ID Entry on the remote....
Most, not all, OTA Digital channels can be enter & stored
To view, you need the OTA RF Port (antenna attached)..
For the QAM Cable Channels Input, None can be Entered
7) In summary... The T-451 will let you view and Identify some QAM
unencrypted CHannel ID's at the expense of 'unable to view' the OTA