Solved! Can you split 1 USB signal to two devices ?

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Nov 19, 2017
hello everyone

I am not sure if this is a stupid question or not. But i have a usb home 2.1 system. I am looking to buy a Ps4 in the near future and i was wondering if there is a way i can use my system on both my PC and my PS4 without having to plug in and out cables every time i want to switch between the systems.

Thanks in advance
Looking at ]url=]Bose product page[/url], it seems you can connect analogue device as well. I'd try using USB for one source, and analogue for the other - you can try that even before getting your PS4.
It all depends how this "USB Home 2.1 System" works. If it only has single USB connection to plug into a PC, then you need a USB switch similar to one @Sizzling proposed (it's an overkill, actually). If your "speakers" have analog input, and use USB for power only, you'll need audio input selector to switch between the PC and PS.

its a bose companion 5. for power it uses a power cord coming out of the bass unit (which is also where the two speakers plug into for power) and it all connects to the pc with a single USB A cable.
Looking at ]url=]Bose product page[/url], it seems you can connect analogue device as well. I'd try using USB for one source, and analogue for the other - you can try that even before getting your PS4.
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