cant boot Truecrypt hidden OS anymore


Apr 28, 2015
I used a truecrypt hidden OS for 2 years without any problems. But if i booted the hidden the last time i got a bluescreen direct after the booting.

Since this happened i have only access to the non hidden system, but if i try to get into the hidden OS the password will be accepted, i see Booting... but nothing happens.

I dont think that the rescue disc is usable for this problem because i have reset the the bootloader and volume header but without an positive result.

I hoe that anyone can help me with this problem, doesent matter how, but i need the data in the hidden system.

thank you for your help
Yes, i think i can decrypt it.
If i open in the decoy OS truecrypt, auto mount devices, passwort, i can see the partition with the hidden OS.
So do you think i can permanently decrypt the hidden partition from the decoy OS without destroying my data?

And what do you think are the next steps after decrypting? start the partition with the hidden OS with a Windows CD?
If you can mount the partition in the decoy OS with you password, you can't get your data?

And what do you think are the next steps after decrypting? start the partition with the hidden OS with a Windows CD?
First thing is to make a backup of your important data.