Solved! Laptop doesn't recognize my HDD after booting from my SSD(I migrated my OS to that SSD)

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Nov 18, 2020
My laptop is a Asus TUF Gaming A17
Tonight I migrated my OS to my brand new SSD using the Minitool app.
It migrated all good. After the process ended I went to the Bios Menu and switched the Boot priority so the SSD was the first one. The first time I booted after this change it still booted from my HDD. I went back to the BIOS menu and in the advanced options, in the Save and Exit tab, I clicked the Boot option with my SSD name next to it(more from curiosity, mistake maybe/ I never did this stuff before so I don't know yet if I messed sth up). To make it clear, this is what happens when my laptop boots from the SSD, and the HDD:
--When booting from the SSD, I observe the faster boot time, but my laptop(disk management and My PC) don't recognize my HDD anymore, I don't have any drive besides the C: one (i used to have a C(HDD) and a F(SSD) drives)
--When booting from the HDD, it is a normal boot, but now my laptop recognizes both my HDD and SSD, I have a C and F drive
Can someone help me fix this? I dont understand why my laptop doesn't recognize my HDD when booting from SSD
Let me know if I did any step wrong and if I should wipe my SSD and retry the process in another way or using another tool
I want to have my OS and some main apps/games on the SSD and use the HDD as storage
I already checked there, because I thought thay may be the fix, but no help. Computer management was not recognizing my old HDD. I also check both the drivers for updates to make sure they are up to date.
I just ended up basically going back to step 1: wiped clean my ssd and started using the tools from my SSD manufacturer
I hope that this problem doesn't occur again. (maybe the created boot file was messsed up when I used the first tool)
I will update this after the disk cloning and the boot priority changes have been made.
Yes, the disk drive is in the device manager. I have reinstalled my Windows the good old way to a fresh new start on my SSD. During the instalation, the wizard noticed both my hdd and ssd when giving me the option where to install the Windows(I deleted all the previous partitions and made sure both of the disks contained only unallocated space). I have now booted my laptop after the reinstall and checked in the BIOS for the boot priority. The SSD was the first one, but now the BIOS does not see the hdd anymore(i tried to boot the laptop without the ssd plugged in: the result was the BIOS not seeing the HDD, basically no boot options for priority or stuff like that but when i booted it this way, it all worked out, my laptop booted, i was able to use it and it saw both my hdd and ssd). Now after the new Windows, it still does not see my HDD. I am not sure if it is because the laptop does not support HDD and SSD at the same time. If that's the case, I will just buy an external 1 or 2 TB HDD and use it as an external storage unit.
That's all the updates so far on the situation.
Oh wow, it was there, I have found it and created it. Thank you so much for your help. This was my first time and I was a bit scared to not mess my laptop up.
Thanks again kind sir
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