Can't extract files...

This is a name of the file: officesp2010-kb2687455-fullfile-x86-en-us
so I suppose it can't be x64. Thanks for your reply...

I don't why you think the file name has anything to do with it being 32 or 64 bit. Both are x86 architectures. However, after checking the file properties on the MS website, it IS a 32bit version, so that's not the issue. I'd try a different file compression utility or download the file again. It's not uncommon for downloads to sometimes be incomplete or otherwise corrupted during the download process.

The 7zip might even be at fault. Some compressed files that are in .exe format won't even allow unpacking and you have to simply click and run the package which should have it's own unpacking mechanism anyhow. That's what I'd try first as Microsoft isn't known for distributing files that require third party utilities, it's counter productive to require users to use utilities from OTHER software vendors.

Considering those are likely .cab files and windows has supported both .zip and many other compressed file formats natively since windows Vista, it's doubtful that you should need ANY utility to unpack that bundle.


I think I got it. Just confirm with me if I have to do it 'manually', please. I found here something useful:
I this the way to do it? Thanks

That might work. I'm unsure as to why it doesn't simply automatically unpack when you click on the file. Does it not automatically unpack and begin installation? IF not, then you can try that. You might also simply try downloading it again or use windows update to obtain the file.

I don't know either. I deleted and downloaded again. Still does the same thing as in the pic. Stops at 99% and gives errors. Maybe because I didn't install Office with Service Pack 1 yet?


So this is the issue then... Ok, I'll install it and we'll see the outcome. Thanks a lot

I've been saying to just run the .exe from the beginning of the thread but he says it won't run. I'm not sure the version of SP2 he has is the same as the one with all the rollbacks included, but maybe. I know that way back when you had to have the previous service packs installed first, but clearly not with that version so I stand corrected in that regard.
I unselected my answer as the solution. Feel free to pick another depending on what has worked or not worked. I think the first time I said to just run the .exe without trying to extract it should have been the correct solution, as also suggested by rg1101, but it's possible you have other issues involved. If you have 7zip configured as the primary application for files natively supported by windows normally, that might be an issue as well.