Case Photos Point to iPhone 5 Redesign

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May 29, 2008
Regardless of what it looks like, it will be considered the most innovative phone design ever, even if it looks exactly like the original iPhone, or even a Samsung Galaxy (after all, they refused to provide iPhone 5 samples in their court cases). People will throw away their iPhone 4's just to buy these pieces of crap, even if they have less storage than their current phone, afterall, it IS newer.


Sep 30, 2009
Haha don't get me wrong I have apple products myself but theres better hardwares for cheaper prices and stop using that "Haters gonna hate" get on with the times.


Mar 4, 2010
[citation][nom]hellwig[/nom]Regardless of what it looks like, it will be considered the most innovative phone design ever, even if it looks exactly like the original iPhone, or even a Samsung Galaxy (after all, they refused to provide iPhone 5 samples in their court cases). People will throw away their iPhone 4's just to buy these pieces of crap, even if they have less storage than their current phone, afterall, it IS newer.[/citation]
Pieces of crap? So you know the exact specifications of the iPhone 5 to be able to make such a statement?

Samsung didn't get iPhone 5's in court because it was an un-announced future product. The judge ruled on this and even told Samsung that at such time it gets announced they would be allowed to see samples. Get your facts straight.

There's one thing for sure though: Apple will sell iPhone 5's as fast as they can make them and this (along with record iPad 2 sales) will push Apple to a record earnings call again. And the haters will struggle to understand the reasons why Apple is so successful and will resort to the usual "iSheep" argument because they will never admit that it's actually a damned good phone that even the non-brainwashed consumers will want.


Jun 17, 2011
In terms of design, it doesn't look like much of a difference. In terms of performance however, it would be nice to see a boost of some sort.


Feb 4, 2011
Just release the phone already pleeeeease. I don't even want one, i'm just tired of stupid stories like these hogging up valuable space for something more interesting to read.


Apr 19, 2009
[citation][nom]tehmoonrulz[/nom]Heaven forbid someone who has had experience with iOS and Androird phones CHOOSE the Apple product[/citation]

::raises hand::

The funny thing is, I couldn't care less what people think of my phone choice. I rely on positive attention from other means, such as my genetics. That is out of the scope of my comment though. Many of my friends own both iPhones and Android powered devices. STRANGELY, The ones who are tech-savvy, the ones that everybody goes to when they need help with their Windows machine (none of this iMac crap for us), all chose iPhones.

Before you try to say "herp derp you pay more for less hardware," I knew EXACTLY what was being purchased when I got my iPhone. I liked the package and presentation. Things you can't really see from a spec sheet which you all rely on to bash iPhones. Before you call me an "iSheep" or some other unique name, let me say that I love Windows on my PC. Windows until the day I die. When my computer crashes, I have the tools and patience to fix it. I do not want my phone to crash on me when I need it the most (outside of the house, on the road etc) So I picked the device which offered the best reliability, with the least chance of F'ing up.


Nov 18, 2010
people, stop commenting that the iphone hardware is crap, renember that the hardware is only as good as the SOFTWARE, and iOS is waaaaaaaay better than android when it comes to resources use.


Nov 18, 2010
[citation][nom]sgtopmobile[/nom]people, stop commenting that the iphone hardware is crap, renember that the hardware is only as good as the SOFTWARE, and iOS is waaaaaaaay better than android when it comes to resources use.[/citation]

usage sorry.-


[citation][nom]sgtopmobile[/nom]usage sorry.-[/citation]

apparently you never used android have you? the android app market has the exact same apps as IOS so you get close to the same experience then you would with an iphone. if you think about it you are paying more for a phone which is 1+ year old tech as opposed to say a Nexus S which is cheaper and has more advance tech then the iphone 4.


Aug 8, 2008
Read this article on Cnet two or three days ago... I suppose it is true, things like this get upped every now and then and very quickly taken down again.


Sep 2, 2007
[citation][nom]WhysoBluepandabear[/nom]And for those whom are delusional enough to think the iPhone 5 will have better specs than say: The S II, you need to stop dreaming. First, Apple NEVER gives you a deal on their products. Your ass is GOING to be paying a premium just for having that Apple logo. Second, Apple is GOING to charge your ass for the software they spend all that time developing -- something of which Android phones really don't do. If Apple priced their devices fairly and didn't breed brain dead idiots as their consumer base, I'd consider buying their products -- However, that is not that case, and I will NOT get ripped off and overcharged for something that I can just as easily buy from another manufacturer, that also gives me more freedom with my device.[/citation]

God, you Android fanboys are like the closet geeks, stuck in the past. Waa waa my Pentium 2 has a higher mHz, snigger snigger. Firstly, you know nothing about the specs, so don't make statements like they are fact. Secondly, the USER EXPERIENCE (you know, the important thing) has never felt slower on an Apple than an Android - in fact quite the opposite. The Apple software must be somewhat more efficient than the Android if it runs as fast using a lower specification. And the benefit is in battery life, something the iPhones excel at (and something which is again far far more important than the nerd talk of megahertz). As for price, I don't think you can point to any other phone manufacturer who will not be able to build phones as quickly as they can sell them. As any business GCSE student would know, value is driven by whatever people are prepared to pay. If your Samsung phones aren't all selling out, THEY are overpriced, not the iPhone - and that's the opinion of the market, not some nerd!
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