I would much recommend the Lenovo G580 over the laptop you have chosen there.
This laptop has a significantly faster processor, the a8-4500m is essentially a dual core processor at 1.9Ghz, it is adequate, but there are much better options.
Such as the Z580 which has a dual core Ivy Bridge chip, at 2.4Ghz, much higher clock speed, and clock for clock as well it is faster.
The graphics on the Z580 are the HD4000, for light gaming, both the HD4000 and the 7640g are adequate to play most games on low-medium settings if you wished to have a bit of play time during a break.
I would much recommend that you choose the Z580.
***Both laptops have 1x4GB RAM, and either one you choose you should purchase a second stick. Very cheap at $20.
You will get twice the memory bandwidth, and twice the memory capacity by doing this.