Comcast Wins 'Worst Company in America' Award

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Based on brand and service, they are about as bad as it gets. They have no clue how to run their accounting/billing and often make mistakes, causing double payments and cancellations. They are NOT about the needs of the customers, and they do not reward loyal customers at the same rate that the reward new customers.

Their DVR is crap. They throttle their internet pipe. They take forever to service problems that come up, and they blame you when something goes wrong.

They are as s****y a company as there is out there, and because they are a de-facto monopoly on land line cable, they have no reason to switch.

Satellite can't compete with everything, nor can DSL. They, TimeWarnerWhatever, AT&T are all crappy companies. At least the local utilities, there is a government oversight commission (In Michigan it is the MPSC) where you can complain and get things fixed.
Given the quality of service that Charter provides around here, and as a customer of Comcast, I'd probably put Charter as worse than Comcast is, even though Comcast certainly doesn't get rave reviews from me.
Must have been a close race between comcast and activision (with the whole iw mess) but it's good to see the worst company won out in the end...56k was faster than their 'broadband' when I left (yes, I had gotten .3kb/sec downloads on comcast before I ditched them)

I really hope verizon mentions this in one of their attack ads 🙂
Monsanto is far more evil than Comcast (or Apple or AT&T or any other tech. company), and the De Beers diamond cartel is arguably even worse (they've certainly been at it longer). These two ruin whole nations and cultures, and kill humans en masse to further their goals.
comcast is the largest thats why they get more complainst than at&t and charter. not to say comcast is good at all but thats prbly the reason for that.

my biggest gripe with cr@pcast is there phone support system. i literally have to hit 10 different buttons to talk to someone. i am an it pro working as a net admin for a fortune 500 company in the pittsburgh area and i still cant sort through all the issues i have had with them. i have a signal quality meter and all my signals are great within the house but once you get outside it goes to sqat.
i love my 43mb down that i only get 3 if im lucky stupid speedboost bs.
although the amazing 1m up i get is just as great...
fios i wish i had you and all your symetrical glory...
[citation][nom]Trueno07[/nom]This is why Comcast is the worst company. Because most of the time, they're the ONLY company.It's a monopoly, that's why everyone hates them.[/citation]
Yeah, but it's hardly any different than any of the other cable companies. If your only choice isn't Comcast, it's Time Warner or something else, everywhere I've ever lived there's only been 1 cable service provider. Of course, I'm sure part of this has to do with the cost of laying cable and who paid for it.

Personally, I don't understand the hatred, I moved recently to take advantage of the tax credit (and I deal I couldn't pass up) and had to switch from Comcast to Mediacom. I would give anything to be able to go back to Comcast, the service went down only 2 times in the 4 years I had it (and even then it was back up in 2 hours or less), the internet was faster, their On Demand service was 100x better, I had more HD channels available (I miss natgeo HD) and their price was the same as what I'm paying now.
I would have to say I agree, Comcast is a total ripoff!
Unfortunately I have Charter which isn't any better. I swear they are following in Comcast's footsteps in pricing...

Why won't the government stop this local monopoly bullsh*t?
I live in Tallahassee and they route all of us to Texas first and then our destination adding about 30-40ms to all the east coast. They can go burn in hell for that for all I care
As far as Comcast, you just gotta know who to talk to, & where to find them. For example, their Senior Vice President of Customer Service, Frank Eliason, is available on Twitter; and he answers your tweets. When I contacted him, he got the ball rolling on an issue my area was having. How many companies' Senior VP of customer support is reachable in near real time? They also have a help & support forum where your thread for help will be answered within hours, by knowledgable, helpful people. If you go for regular phone support or live chat, you're rolling the dice. Their prices may be higher than I like, but their responsiveness to my issues I've had have been better than elsewhere. YMMV.
Comcast is bad but Time Warner is the absolute suck. They listen to what people think is a good idea, then they do the exact opposite and charge more!
comcast has the fastest internet in our area... but I hate them. If you call them for a service call they NEVER come when they are supposed to... and when they do they always manage to fuck up something. An award well deserved!
Geez - I hate both Comcrash and AT&T 😛. Comcast's customer service is the absolute pits - once when I was stupid enough to try out their digital service, they billed me for basic digital and then the digital add-on service (same thing). When I called up the local office, the customer "service" rep tried telling me that the digital service did not actually include digital channels and that would cost me extra. When I asked to speak to a supervisor she hung up on me.

Also the little matter of billing me for months for an extra STB that I did not have - would go through the customer service routine, spending an hour or so while they verified their records, and they would refund the excess charge, only to put the charge back on next month's bill. I finally went back to the basic analog package since my HDTVs can pick up the clearQAM digital channels anyway. Although Comcast is quite fond of moving those channels around every couple of months, particularly right before the Superbowl or season premiere of Lost, which means I have to go through the 30+ minute search routine on 3 TV's.

What I have found is that if you go through Comcast's online chat representatives, you generally get better and faster results plus you can play solitaire or whatever while they "verify their records"...

Verizon is finally laying their FIOS cable in my neighborhood, after 10 years of advertising same, so I will most likely be switching ASAP.
Adelphia was my provider, before it became Comcast. And cumulatively I was with them for over 15 years and loath to change, but they drove me to a competitor. I periodically work on a cruise ship, so I’m gone a couple-to-three months at a stretch. Would they throw a switch and suspend service (I was willing to pay a reconnect fee) Nope--unlike trash pickup, newspaper, or mail. Comcast has a suspend provision for three months or longer. However, should you come back early, you have to pay back all of the previous time. They deserve the award.
[citation][nom]dman3k[/nom]Apple > Monsanto > Church of Scientology > Comcast > AT&T[/citation]
HA! True story. That's awesome.
Here is my opinion.

I had AT&T for phone, ADSL for internet and Dish Network HD for Tv in a bundle. It was costing me aprox. $160 a month for all three in a package. The phone was fine, the Dish was fine as long as the weather was ok... But, the internet was slow.

Then, a few weeks ago, a Comcast rep was going around trying to drum up business and came to my door. He sold me into a package for phone, cable and internet. The cable was more channels then I had and the internet was something in the order of three times faster. All for $99 a month (actually $109 a month because I opted for a second HD DVR). So I went for it... faster internet and more channels and I'm saving about $50 a month to boot.. awesome, right?

They installed it this past Saturday. The phone is fine, sounds fine, works fine.. no problems. The internet is way faster.. by far.. so I'm happy.

BUT... the cable stinks.. and I mean real bad. The HD channels are low quality.. the quality is nothing like Dish Network's HD content. If you ever compared the two, you would see the difference, big time.

Also.. here it is Thursday.. just five days after installation and one DVR lost sound output (its not the TV or HDMI cable.. already checked). The other DVR in my bedroom is producing a very high-pitched whine that I can hear at night.. and it also doesn't let you change channels half the time. These units look like old, used up boxes.. nothing like Dish network (they send you new equipment, or at least refurb'ed to new condition).

Now.. just five days after switching, I'm kind of regretting it. Tonight when I get home I have to call Comcast customer service for replacement DVRs. Now, after reading this timely arcticle, now I'm worried I'll get the run around.

Wish me luck.......

From my experience, there is a worse company. Far worse. Qwest.

Trying to get phone service from them back in 1998, I had 3 installation guys just run up to my door an put a tag on it "sorry we missed you" without even knocking. I was sitting in the living room on my couch all day all three days! I would have heard the doorbell or a knock on the door. Yet, all I got was an orange tag on my door. After it finally got installed, I started the year of hell with disconnects on my own phone line, wrong numbers from people trying to reach their voice mail, and wait times on their customer service line of more than 2 hours.

I finally got rid of them and replaced them with AT&T Broadband, which was bought out my Comcast shortly after that.

Believe me, Comcast is a pleasure to work with compared to Qwest.
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