Is there an easy way to compare two columns in Excel? I got two construction job offers. The offers are in Excel. The first column contains activity id and the second the price for the activity. The offers are for the same job, but one of the offers has more activity id’s and therefore contains additional rows. It is not possible just to copy paste because the activity id is not in the same cell (ex. Activity A.1.1 is in cell A11 in the first offer, but in cell A20 in the second offer). It is many rows so I rely don’t want do go through row by row manually.
Now I have to files with the job offers. I want to make a new Excel file (sheet) where I compare each activity. Is there a fast way to do that, or do I have to copy paste each row?
Now I have to files with the job offers. I want to make a new Excel file (sheet) where I compare each activity. Is there a fast way to do that, or do I have to copy paste each row?