Solved! Computer doesn't charge when on suspend

Jan 3, 2019
Hi everyone,

I have an Asus UX430U laptop running Ubuntu (Kernel 4.15) and I recently noticed that when i plug the computer when it is on suspend it doesn't charge anymore. However it works very well when it is powered off, or when it is powered on.

I don't know where it might come from. The computer is very recent (Apr. 2018).
Thanks for your help.
Are you on the latest BIOS update for your laptop? If you have a number of BIOS updates pending, work your way through them without jumping to the latest version out of the gate.
Jan 3, 2019

I'm not on the last update version. I will try to update the BIOS version. However, it worked perfectly during the last 6 month with this current version.
Thank you anyway.