Congressmen Want Warning Labels on All Games

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Your evidence for the Army changing to silhouette is a complete fabrication by "General" SLA Marshall. He provided zero scientific research for his "studies" and those finding has essentially been proven unsubstantiated by the military and multiple independent sources.

The fact is that there is no evidence that playing violent video games makes a person more prone to violence. There is absolutely none.

There are already options in many video games to turn off the gore. This brings me to my last point which is that unfortunately, as well meaning as you are, are completely wrong. This is compounded by the fact that you have seemingly very little experience with video games as you didn't even know that games have been providing the options to turn gore off for decades now. Not all but if you start forcing game developers to then you are in fact stifling their creativity.

It would be like forcing directors to edit multiple versions of a movie while it's in theatres. This goes well beyond the scope of what a government should be regulating. The government should in no way regulate art which video games can be. Just like movies, books or music.

I hope you take the time to consider this...


Ch9199, if you've been gaming for 30 years, you know that there have been multiple video games that allowed you to reduce gore levels, and or enable a less brutal mode.

I for one see it as useless extra code. I was exposed to very violent video games at a young age, first being Duke Nukem in 1995 when I was 7 and have never ever been prone to violence. Not to mention and all it's gross glory(at the same age). Sure, I'm a bit desensitized to violence, but it's all about how you're raised, not what games you play.

This is an obvious example of congress over-extending their boundries because of their ridiculous, biased, personal opinions.

It's is not proveable that Violent video games lead to aggressive behavior. Therefore, you should not be able to tell people that. Psychology is a soft science, good luck proving your BS.


Not sure where you were going with the silhoutte thing.

But the military used to stab sandbags with a bayonet. Now that's just cooky, considering in war you will not be stabbing sandbags. Moving from sandbags, to a human shaped object. I can definitely understand that. Which is why the military has moved from a human shaped object to live war-games using laser weapons and sensors. Much more effective = Much better military. It's why we're soo badass.


Apr 16, 2009
Food labels
WARNING: Eating Food has been linked to Obesity.
Toilet labels
WARNING: Defecating has been linked to E-Coli.
Personal labels
WARNING: Fists have been linked to Bloody Noses.


Dec 9, 2009
[citation][nom]ch9199[/nom]As far as the general tone of comments goes. Pretending there is not a real issue here does nothing to solve it and makes an unreasonable solution more likely when it finally comes.You could make arguments similar to the above for letting young children into porn movies, but it would still be a bad idea.[/citation]

I'd just like to see a proper study. Not one that just studies the life of someone who plays violent games, then someone who doesn't. That could mean that violent people like to play violent games, it does not show whether or not the games are responsible for making the person violent.


Jun 25, 2010
Until they do a solid independent review of as many credible sources as they can, and find a coherent conclusion being made this is just not acceptable behavior. This should count as libel by the Government against the developers. I just can't see any excuse for this kind of behavior. Until you can prove that such title is justified they are gratifying group-think and media labels. Simply not something that should be done by a government.


Mar 20, 2012
to all the ignorant idiots...after world war 1 they realized that many soldiers would not or could not bring themselves to shoot at the enemy...they remedied this by using psychology, including using human shaped targets and other acclimate the troops to kill their fellow human being..

at least in ww1 hostilities were "suspended" during holidays and the opposing forces would even mingle in Christmas night...the leadership did not like this at all...some soldiers even stole a spool of enemy Wire and would cut bits from it and us it as proof they went on patrol...

about this issue, you can just as easily say that video games help people blow off steam in a way that is non threatening and harmful for anyone...or maybe you would rather have the frustrated guy who would normally play GTA, out on the streets doing what he/she would normally do in game, but to real people in real life instead...

its funny horseback riding, boating, car driving, drinking, mountain climbing all expensive and some what harmful (pollution, health risk...) those are all acceptable hobbies, but for those who choose to enjoy video games, well thats just no good...even though an average MMO subscription for a month is about what you would spend in the movie theater, after the ticket and food is purchased...and that only lasts for two hours, and i cant remember the last movie that was worth seeing...


Mar 20, 2012
[citation][nom]wmalinowski[/nom]Maybe we warning label on congressmen for stupidity......[/citation]

haha, congressmen should read your comment LOL


I suspect the Congress drones are putting up this bill due to pressure from some idiot minority (possibly religious) who would like something to blame, like video games, rather than take responsibility for being lousy parents.

Likening video games to cigarettes? There's a beautiful example of "The Big Lie".

I hope it fails. Sadly, it will probably pass because the other Congress drones don't see any risk in voting for it, but see some risk in voting against it.


Feb 8, 2012
[citation][nom]bystander[/nom]I always have to wonder about these steadies about violent behavior and video games. If they simply take a look at gamers who play violent games and compare them kids who don't play violent games or video games at all, how are they to know if the games caused violence or if kids who are more violent by nature like to play violent games?You'd have to force kids to play violent games against another group who was forced not to, in order to come up with meaningful data. All the comparisons I've seen have not been done this way, which leaves you with the "what came first, the chicken or the egg" type of question.[/citation]

The only study that I can remember is where they took something like 20 people, 10 played a "violent video game" for 4 hours a day and 10 didn't play at all. The levels of aggression of the players after 2 weeks was higher than the non-players.

Of course, this study tells us nothing more than: "more research is needed", as it a) had a small sample, b) did not include other kinds of games. I do think that some games cause aggression to build up in some people, but I doubt it has anything to do with the violent content, rather the competetive nature of the game. A good study would have 2 games that were exactly the same apart from their graphical nature. God of War vs God of Ballerinas, Kratos in a tutu dancing monsters to submission would've been nice to see...


Oct 7, 2009
[citation][nom]whysobluepandabear[/nom]This is the dumbest, hyper-focusing, bat shit idea I've heard of in quite some time. *snip*[/citation]+1 for bat shit. thanks for the laugh


Aug 26, 2011
"WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior."

Really? Based on what? Research made by asking grannies what they think of video games? There are more scientific evidence for the existence of the Easter bunny...


May 14, 2010
It's quite peculiar how Congress is against violent video games when they constantly play violent war games with their soldiers lives.

They should thank the video game industry. With all the training the children are getting playing CoD they'll be much better equipped to go into the next "conflict".


Oct 20, 2008
you have got to be kidding me....our country is on a verge to depression and we worry about stupid stuff like this? We need Ron Paul for president, ASAP


May 11, 2007
"As a parent and grandparent, I think it is important people know everything they can about the extremely violent nature of some of these games."

Im confused how a different label is going to change the fact that your child has illegally got hold of an 18 certified game. The problem is not with the labeling... unless you are so retarded you think that chopping someone in half is the same as stacking blocks without it being explicitly pointed out.

I'm also wondering how they are going to police downloadable games.


Sep 8, 2009
"As a parent and grandparent, I think it is important people know everything they can about the extremely violent nature of some of these games."

As opposed to all the movies that churns out from the Hollywood factory then? Geez...

I propose two labels to stick:
"Warning: Listening to congressmen leads to stupidity"


"Warning: Life leads to fatality"

Can someone put all these politicians in some dark cave somewhere and seal the entrance? Chuck in the lawyers too. Humanity would be far better off this way.


Sep 22, 2011
Finally!! A portion of your life that both sides can agree on wanting to control. I guess this is their definition of bipartisanship.
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