Connecting Laptop to a power source full time is recommended?


Oct 15, 2016
Hello! I have recently replaced my old PC with a new Lenovo Laptop for work. I am planning to just replace my old CPU with the laptop, so that I can work on it just like a PC with an extra monitor. A point of concern is that, I will be connecting laptop to a UPS by Staticon for almost the entire time of use and I am not sure if it is good for the laptop health. Some of my friends says it's fine while some others says it shouldn't be done. Needless to say, I am confused. I am not a big computer expert and needs advice from experts on this case. Is it a recommended setup to connect a laptop to a UPS for almost 8-10 hours a day? Is there anything I can do to prevent any possible damages?
On AC while you are using it.

Once you are done for the day, or you are leaving for hours, and it's already fully charged or nearly charged, go ahead pull the cord.

Just like car, recommend you run on battery once in a while, say a couple times/month fine.


Jun 11, 2014
Having the battery at full while charging will decrease battery life.

That said, there is no other drawbacks to having it on the charger. No damage other than to the battery will be done to the laptop.


Oct 15, 2016
Ok! So battery damage is possible, right? As of now I don't have any other option. So how long do you think before battery become unusable? I know it's not possible to give an exact answer, an approximate answer may also help. Thanks!


Jun 11, 2014

Years before you can't take it off the charger without it dying, but the computer will always work. It'll just be a desktop.

it will depend on what you do and how strong the battery is. For example, if I were to take a modern day ultrabook and play skyrim plugged in, the lifespan would be fairly short I would guess, between a year to 2 years. I know this as I have a multimedia laptop and I used it for gaming while plugged in since it throttles while on battery and it lasted 2 years. If on the other hand you just use it for normal things, it should last for a long time as the ulv chips don't use a lot of power,
On AC while you are using it.

Once you are done for the day, or you are leaving for hours, and it's already fully charged or nearly charged, go ahead pull the cord.

Just like car, recommend you run on battery once in a while, say a couple times/month fine.