Connecting PC to home theater


Apr 29, 2016
Hello, I have a problem with connections. My home theater only has 1 hdmi port (Philips HTB3580G).

My grpahics card is GTX660 and mobo is ASUS P8B75-V. My PC has 1 hdmi and 1 displayport to hdmi (I have both cables) and my TV has 2 hdmi ports (philips 40PFH4109/88).

Is it possible to get 5.1 surround out from my pc to home theater? Or the fact that it has only 1 hdmi port ruins everything? :(
As far as I PC does not have spdf (digital audio?) option...

Can anybody suggest me a solution? I cant buy another HT but maybe I should upgrade my pc with sound card?

Really hoping someone can help me out here because I am quite new into this.


Apr 29, 2016
Thank you for your answer americanaudiophile!

Well Im trying to figure it out if just one more HDMI input will solve my problem.
Do I understand correctly that I need to have connection with my receiver (home theater) and TV? I tried just connecting PC to TV (displayport to hdmi) and PC to receiver (HDMI to HDMI). But I didnt get sound from receiver, no selectable sound playback found...
So is that correct that I need to have a connection (HDMI) between receiver and TV? Then the solution can really be just to buy an HDMI selector.
You would have to set the audio to come through the HDMI cable in your audio or video control panel on the PC. Don't know about displayport.
An HDMI switcher would work fine (with or without thee separate audio out. The number of inputs is up to you. Some will switch automatically for you if that makes things more convenient.


Apr 29, 2016

If i connect PC to TV with HDMI then I can choose audio to come through HDMI in control panel but when I connect PC to home theater, then audio control panel does not show that option.