Critics Choice Video in Kirkland, WA



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I know there are a few of my local Northwesterners who peruse this NG
every now and then.

Something has been nagging at me for a while, now. I realize this is
going back aways but I wanted to ping the locals who may know
how/when/why Critics Choice video in Kirkland vanished.

It seemed like it was around late '01 or '02 when I popped down there
to score a few used LDs and check their new DVD selection when (poof)
they were just gone.

It has always bugged me that I never knew the why and when . . . . can
any Seattle-ites help me out?

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Was this in Park Place or over behind the Jack in the Box on 116th?

On 4 Aug 2005 16:04:39 -0700, "pmjones" <> wrote:

>I know there are a few of my local Northwesterners who peruse this NG
>every now and then.
>Something has been nagging at me for a while, now. I realize this is
>going back aways but I wanted to ping the locals who may know
>how/when/why Critics Choice video in Kirkland vanished.
>It seemed like it was around late '01 or '02 when I popped down there
>to score a few used LDs and check their new DVD selection when (poof)
>they were just gone.
>It has always bugged me that I never knew the why and when . . . . can
>any Seattle-ites help me out?

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This was at Park Place.

Blaine Young wrote:
> Was this in Park Place or over behind the Jack in the Box on 116th?
> On 4 Aug 2005 16:04:39 -0700, "pmjones" <> wrote:
I am absolutely certain you no longer need or want this information but since I just stubbled on it I thought I'd answer.

It was my store - opened in '84 and closed in March of 2000. I closed it and bought into a travel company, another low-margin business, unfortunately. But I did enjoy my years with that store, and bump into former customers all the time who say kind things. I enjoyed going to work there everyday, and loved being on the forefront of whatever the technology was of the day. I wouldn't want to be in it again, but I do miss it.

BTW, I joined Netflix minutes after closing the store - it was obvious that was the way to go.


Paul Callahan
Hi Paul,
I just wanted to say thank you. You and your store was a major part of my friday and saturday evenings growing up.
My family would stop by and pick up a video on the way home from Holy Family School in Kirkland. Many adventures began a foot at a stop there. :)
I was very young then, and remember you and your employees well. Your store was a part of many formative years.
I know many of my friends felt the same way.

Your store introduced me to indiana jones, war games, poltergiests :), the list could go on and on.

Remember the family with boys putting their names on the back of movie posters? (we probably were not the only ones) .You decorated my room growing up as well. :)

thanks again!!! I hope you check back and see the thank you. It has been a long time in coming, but much thought about.