Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)
I know there are a few of my local Northwesterners who peruse this NG
every now and then.
Something has been nagging at me for a while, now. I realize this is
going back aways but I wanted to ping the locals who may know
how/when/why Critics Choice video in Kirkland vanished.
It seemed like it was around late '01 or '02 when I popped down there
to score a few used LDs and check their new DVD selection when (poof)
they were just gone.
It has always bugged me that I never knew the why and when . . . . can
any Seattle-ites help me out?
I know there are a few of my local Northwesterners who peruse this NG
every now and then.
Something has been nagging at me for a while, now. I realize this is
going back aways but I wanted to ping the locals who may know
how/when/why Critics Choice video in Kirkland vanished.
It seemed like it was around late '01 or '02 when I popped down there
to score a few used LDs and check their new DVD selection when (poof)
they were just gone.
It has always bugged me that I never knew the why and when . . . . can
any Seattle-ites help me out?