Do you use : No Antivirus , FREE Antivirus , or PAID Antivirus and why?

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What's the difference between Adblock and Adblock Plus?
ya a few and getting the compatibility issues and software blocks and all them little issues with the paid main stream av's Microsoft came out wit there thing tried it and never looked back... I once in a great wile may download like that malewarebytes or who evers free trial scanner and check to see if it missed something but so far so good and no more issues like you may get with programs or drivers as I did before [???]

looks like one good thing Microsoft has done for there customers
well mes seems to do the job [so far] until I see it fail me I cant say bad for it and I do admit I like it over the mainstream paid ones I've used

all I can say is get a rig and use it and see .. i'm not one to go around clicking on any old link so that may help if it don't look right to me I don't go there to find out

You do realise that you quoted me in your previous post (which I assume was meant to be a part of this one), but this wasn't my thread, right? I'm simply putting information out. If you don't agree with it, then tell me why. If not, I'll keep throwing my research/experiences out there to start discussion/debate on what I find to be wrong. I'm trying to get facts and evidence involved in the discussion... but apparently that's too aggressive?

Also, I think you should explain your answers... it helps inform casual readers, and it gives your statements much more credibility. Explaining your answers also makes this a real discussion, instead of a poll/survey; and this really is more of a discussion, instead of a survey. The original post did say, "Please leave comments on why you do or don't use an Antivirus," so that kind of opens this to more of an open forum format. Also, everyone benefits from each person explaining their answers, and it prevents the reinforcement of bad habits and faulty assumptions. I see nothing negative from what I'm doing, except maybe that some people just don't care to explain anything as much as I do. I may be blunt with things, but it's either that, or I make my posts twice as long to sugar coat it all... and I'm sure half of what I post isn't read as it is.

I could always use that for a comical "virus".... should I get the camera ready?

Has MSE actually blocked anything for you, or has it just been dead weight? MSE never did anything beneficial for me when I ran it for a short time. If it isn't doing anything for you, might I ask why you bother running it? If it does do something, care to expand?

Honestly, I've never seen a real difference between the two. They're both free, but I think AB+ is just the newer version? I really haven't found a genuine answer either. I honestly think it's overrated, and AdGuard is underrated; AG has done a much better job at blocking things without adding custom blacklists, and they offer much more customisation than I ever had with AdBlock. AB+ is a good extension, but I really think it's lacking in comparison to AG as a whole product. If you just want to block ads, and you don't mind adding custom blacklists every so often (depending on what sites you visit), then AB/AB+ will be fine. If you want an extension that will block a larger majority of ads without you having to do anything, has multiple language filters, and gives you some malware blocking, then use AdGuard. I've been using AdGuard for over a year, and I've only have to add 5 filters; only two of which are from youtube (I never sit through a youtube ad now, unlike AB+), and the rest are from a sketchy site I rarely use. I had to install a large number of blacklist filters with AB+ to get a similar experience, but certain ads still leaked through.

Get what will suit your taste better. AG will also block the social media like/share buttons too, if you prefer to block those (you can enable/disable that feature in the settings).

Just as good, or better? I'd have to rate AdBlock low, personally, so where does Ghostery actually stack up in your experience? Identical results, or different?

Whether you use free, paid or no protection at all, backing up your data is always smart!

For the sake of data retention, yes 😉

I'll definitely have to look into it, then. I have read a lot of interesting things about Ghostery, but I'll give them a try.

In that case, you owe me a self-spanking GIF. Then we can call it even.

BIG NOTE: For the people who've not really listened to my warnings about using multiple antivirus programs... I want you to take a couple minutes to listen to a snip of this podcast- JayzTwoCentz and Barnacules TechTalk #55. I have the link starting up right at the perfect spot, and Barnacules explains the multi AV software problem much better than I ever could. They move on to something else within 2 minutes, but the information given is very cut and dry. If you are running multiple antivirus wares, please take what is said into serious consideration. These nerds know what they are talking about, and have been working with software for quite some time. Jay writes proprietary software, and Barnacules was a software developer for Microsoft... listen to these guys.

While you might not be experiencing any 'serious' speed issues, you still have the same problem that is described. Also, if you don't properly remove everything from each AV software, then it doesn't matter how many AV tools you have running; you still have all those extra drivers being run, which is pointless. More software does not mean a cleaner computer; in fact, it's ironic how opposite from the truth it really is. Computers are finicky because developers are lazy... so you have to fill in the gaps with logic and extra work, even if it's annoying to do so.
Just received a new unopened kaspersky internet security, that I won on ebay for $13 that includes shipping. Guess I am set now. My current subscription does not run out till Jan 2015.
heck if I know ??? I just look see its been blocked or what ever close it out and move on I really cant give you a good answer on that ... sorry

but like I said I will get something like malwarebytes and run it to see if something been missed by mse and so far its been clean and don't show nothing that slipped by

al I can say is you got to try it out and see for your self like everything else it will do you a good job or it will not

my buddy and I joked about the paid av and all the warnings and stuff it told on that the companies added or caused them to make it look like you were getting your moneys worth from them [lol]

well all I can say is for me its been so far so good [opinion]
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