Just got my first hit in a long while last night. Kaspersky blocked a Trogan, “HEUR:Trojan.Script.Generic.”
Looked it up and here’s a couple explanations of it. Although it apparently was not too much of a risk to my comp, seems it is some kind of browser redirector that enables downloading of malicious apps or something like that. I was using the IE browser.

I was just reading an article.
This was the web site of the article in case anybody here wants to see if their protection software will stop it.
Actually, it was put into quarantine.
Thanks to, Kaspersky Internet Security! For blocking it.
Also, while looking up the trogan, clicking on this link, (http

/security.stackexchange.com/questions/33664/what-does-this-injected-code-do) in a search list caused KIS to jump into action with a warning in the middle of the screen, not allowing the page to load at all. So, I decided to quit while I was ahead.