Do you use : No Antivirus , FREE Antivirus , or PAID Antivirus and why?

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I run Zone alarm free AV and firewall, with Malwarebytes behind that only being run on demand, with adblock running all the time, and as of yet I am yet to get a virus with that combination, touch wood

So, every two years, you pay 9 dollars for Bidefender?

Will Malwarebytes and Bitdefender FREE be fine for gaming pc?

Or it is worth to pay extra?

That isn't what he said; he said he bought the license from Newegg, at that price. And, honestly, I think that was a typo for $89.95, as the retail on that license for the 2015 edition is exactly that.

Malwarebytes and Bitdefender (both free) should be plenty of protection. I have to keep stressing, though, that this is supposed to be used as your last line of defence. If these are all the security measures you will take, then no security software will "be enough." AV programs designed to keep you protected when every other security measure fails.

Is it worth to pay for it? Only you can answer that. Nobody knows what is worth it for your uses. Look at what you get with the paid versions, and decide for yourself. If you can't figure out whether it's worth it to pay, then it probably isn't. Nobody can make that decision for you. Don't take it personally, but asking someone else "is it worth it to pay" is kind of a dumb question. Nobody but you can answer that question, and going on someone else's advice won't benefit your situation. The adage, "It's better to have and not need, than to need and not have," isn't a bad one to follow; however, for some people, it's one that doesn't benefit them. IN your case, only you will know what will benefit you the most. Can't really say anything more than that without making it a personal opinion.

It is currently the $90 price tag, though you could have easily check that yourself....
That's why I thought it was a typo. Damn, that's one helluva deal. I have a feeling you weren't allowed to buy multiple licenses at once, or were required to register them right after purchase. That would help prevent people from buying high quantities, and re-selling them. If they do something like that again, I have a feeling I might try to resell those keys for $15-20/license right after the sale ends. Worst case, I'll give the licenses away to people I know, or when I fix someone's computer (for a fee).
I personally use Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Defender as:
1, It's free (I don't feel like paying 50$ for something that slows down my PC)
2, It uses only a bit of RAM and CPU usage compared to other AVs (cough cough Bitdefender)
3, Come on, they were developed by Microsoft, who also developed Windows. They can only be great:)

I like them aswell, the performance impact is as good as nihil.
As for bitdefender it uses very few resources as well, especially compared to other well known brands;
On my slow i3 laptop i do not notice the on-access scanning, and the scan that runs on idle is very well implemented;
Many times i return to my laptop to find bitdefender completed a scan while i was away.

Doing a search, that Downloader.NSIS is a trojan that will probably download bad stuff to your HD.

Here's an AVG article about it.


I wish that were true but microsoft security essentials is about the worst protection out there. At least according to comparative studies, some of which have been posted here already.

May I please have a link?
Avast free, there is barely any difference between the free and paid version, but without Avast, I would much rather use a paid antivirus. A few years ago, Security Essentials was enough, but now it's started to fall behind :/ I'd never use no antivirus, not worth giving up protection for a little bit of extra performance, especially as antiviruses like NOD32 and Avast have a game mode.

That may be true. But just yesterday, I disabled MSE/Defender, and cranked up BitDefender.
After a full system scan, BitDefender found....nothing.

The best AV exists between thine ears.
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