Dxtory Help! (Audio channels screwed on file conversion)

Tuku Giano

Mar 18, 2015
So i've been using dxtory for a while and the quality and output is excellent, but youtube is taking years to upload 720p videos with my ISP (around 9000 minutes for a 1.4gb video!!!), so i tried to convert the video using freemake video converter (also i moved the video to my android phone, wich automatically converted it in a 400mb .wmv video) and the result in both cases is the same:

My voice (wich was recorded from my microphone) sounds as it should, but my headphones (wich was the channel in wich the game and also some music was beeing recorded) is really really low, barely audible in max volume, and also distorted.

Both channels sounds ok in the Dxtory output .avi, but as soon as i convert it to anything else (even tried .avi to .avi) the headphone audio channel gets screwed.
Is this a Dxtory problem? is it something with the convertion? anyone experienced this and found a solution?
Trying to upload a single 5 minute video with my isp is going to take like 8 days if i try to use Dxtory
Answering myself just in case someone faces the same problem, apparently when i was converting the .avi it was only picking my microphone audio channel (the really low sounds from the game was because my microphone was picking the sound from my headphones [ace quality headset apparently]).
The solution i used is something i found in a minecraft forum (seriously?), right click the .avi and extract the audio stream, this should give you 2 files (or more, one for each channel) there you can edit the audio files however you want, removing noise and that stuff, and then you use another program to merge it all together again (also converting it in the process if you need to) like sony vegas or adobe premiere, (or also freemake video converter, wich is free).
So yeah, thanks tuku for solving it, and somehow thanks minecraft.