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The 2 best flashes for the Nikon Coolpix cameras are the sb600 and sb800.
Both flashes are new from Nikon. If your camera does not have a hot shoe you
need a bracket like the SK-2600 which mounts on the bottom of the camera and
plugs into the bottom plug the swivel piece with the included / built in
flash cord.
The flash works as long as the built in flash is open and ready to flash as
well. Very nice and neat.
I got my units from B&H photo here in NYC. They are most reliable. I ordered
on line Sunday night and the box was delivered today by Land delivery.
If you want to use an older flash which might cause a problem as the voltage
is usually too high for a digital camera you might be able to get away with
a "Wien" brand converter which is said to drop the voltage from 600v to 6v.
You still need the bracket however. You would do better with the new flash.
I would have preferred the sb800 but I couldn't justify the cost difference.
Incidentally B&H offers both USA warranty and Imported Warranty with a big
drop in price. I trust B&H to honor their warranty on the imported version.
The manual is in English and other languages as well.
Now my only problem is to buy a new gadget bag which will hold everything
together. The biggest item is the bracket which is 10.5 inches long.
Any ideas anyone?
"Larry" <lastingimagery@comcast.dotnet> wrote in message
> In article <u9oMd.5202$ya6.1359@trndny01>,
> says...
>> I've just gone through this exercise.
>> Nikon says their voltages for digital cameras run at about 6 volts.
>> Anything
>> higher will damage the camera. B&H has an adapter which supposedly cuts
>> the
>> voltage from 600 v. to 6 v. But I don't trust it. I've just bought, after
>> extensive research a Nikon flash. I bought the SB-600 which is their
>> lowest
>> priced flash. Up till now I've been using the built in flash which is
>> completely inadequate.
>> Before you buy check out lots of websites which give you lots of
>> information
>> but Nikon seems to need a Nikon flash. No getting away from that.
>> "ilya" <> wrote in message
>> > The Metz web site is quite good. Lots of details. Thanks so much.
>> > (Talking about the German quality).
>> >
>> > I'm trying to find a good flash, mostly for indoor photography, for
>> > Nikon Coolpix 995 camera. One cannot mount the flash directly on top of
>> > the camera (due to its twisted design), but it is possible to do with a
>> > special adapter. I was hoping that it would be possible to use any
>> > standard flash with this camera.
>> >
>> > -Ilya.
>> >
> While you are on the subject of flashes, I have a question...
> Im looking for an adapter that slips into a generic hot shoe and allows
> the
> connection of a pc flash cable.
> I have a couple of cameras that have a generic hotshoe but no pc
> connection,
> and I want to use them with a grip that holds the flash further away from
> the
> lens.
> I've Googled "flash adapter" "flash adaptor" "pc cable adapter" et, al and
> all Ive found is cables, no adapter.
> I think my Google problem is I just dont know what the device is called
> (or
> if it actually exsists)
> Keep in mind Im using a "generic" flash (Sunpack 383) and the cameras have
> single center/ frame contact shoes. (and yes, the flash fits/works with
> the
> cameras just fine.
> Thanks in advance
> --
> Larry Lynch
> Mystic, Ct.