External monitor does not use my DGP

Colt Senpai

Oct 11, 2016
Ok guys.Here s the deal.I broke my laptop screen.Now using external monitor.It is set as the only available screen ,meaning i have disabled the original laptop screen.I m experiencing poor graphic performance ( really low fps ,poor graphics )That made me go check which GPU im using ..PhysX on nvidia panel and monitor settings both tell me that my external monitor is using the IGP intel hd 3000.....i want it to use my geforce 635m....how can i do that????
Im running at a low resolution of 1280 or 1365...
Hi web and thanks for the feedback.I ve already tried doing that ..but i cant seem to find anything about graphics on the Bios screen.Could it be possible that my VGA port is connecting me to the iGPU ( MB) and not the dgpu port...if there is one actually? i ve already tried to switch to nvidias gpu on everything on my computer.( including monitor settings and nvidia pannel ,except for the BIOS part ) Could my monitor be the problem ? ( aka not supporting my dGPU ? ) ( its a standar W43 LG monitor from my old computer compatible with VGA only not HDMI)

UPDATE : My laptop takes me to Aptio setup not regular BIOS .Chipset settings there are locked....
OK so i called my vendor support dpt , and they told me..that my vga port connects me to the iGPU ( aka Intel HD 3000) .They also said..that maybe the hdmi port is connected to the geforce gpu ...or not at all 😛 ....is there any way i can solve my problem in any other way ? They also said there is no way i can fix it through bios cause its all about where the monitor is connected...which sounds logical

actually yeah i have to connect via vga....my monitor does not support hdmi...but i did try connecting another monitor using hdmi....still iGPU shows up...i guess the igpu has 2 ports....dgpu none...so i guess i m stuck with the intel hd3000 even though i have the geforce....there is no other way of bypassing that problem is there? ( except for fixing the laptop screen ofc )