[citation][nom]house70[/nom]I agree with his ideas, in general; however, he needs to put these in a more organized way, work a bit on his grammar, and do something about that look, 'cause...damn.He must work on his credibility on every aspect, not only on his ideology. This is an audio-visual era we live in, for crying out loud.[/citation]
He more than likely suffers from some sort of autistic spectrum disorder. He simply doesn't care about his appearance, and probably doesn't much care what other people thinks of him. He speaks about his beliefs just as rigorously as any religious nut. Not saying he's wrong, here, as I happen to suffer from Asperger's myself, I'm a little sensitive to the views of people who think people should change fairly insignificant things in order to be better heard.
I agree that most software should be free. Indeed, there is quite a bit of it. I just also believe that if a person wishes to sell his hard work, he should be able to. I don't like Linux's ideals. In order for wide adoption it needs to be much simpler, and it should be as idiot proof as Windows and OSX are.
There can always be those who use the innards of the OS to do what they do now, but it needs to have some radical changes first. I have seen those changes occurring very slowly in the last decade, so it's getting on the right path, it's just not there yet.
I have no fear of a website knowing which IP addresses visited, simply because that information is completely worthless by itself. Now, if you happen to use Facebook, then it can know which other websites you've visited because of your IP address having changed little. That's a concern... but only a little one. It's not like they can use that information to harm you. They may be able to better advertise at you, though. That's actually a benefit. You might actually want to buy what they sell you, if they happen to be very good at it.
Then again, there are those who don't want any one to know who they are online, and certainly don't want their movements tracked. Well, there are various ways to avoid detection, and those people should learn how to use them. I am not concerned.