Free iPod to PC


Aug 6, 2008
I switched computers and all i did was copy and paste my music collection (over 500 songs) and when inserted into iTunes my collection is about 50 songs that i dont even listen to. To put it mildly I ******* hate apple. Thankfully most of my songs are on my iPhone. Is there a program anyone would recommend so that i can get my songs on to my PC for free? I have about 200+ songs so a free trial wont work. Thank you
1. Plug your iPod or iPhone into your computer.
2. From the Desktop, go to My Computer and find the iPod (usually designated by a drive letter. i e. E: or F:)
3. Open the damn thing.
4. Go to Tools > Folder Options > View (the tab) > scroll to Show Hidden Files and Folders and click it.
5. Click OK.
6. Go back to your iPod folder/drive, there you will find a new folder called iPod_Control
7. Open it.
8. The Music folder in it will have a bunch of folders named F00, F01 and so on. THEY HAVE YOUR MP3s AND VIDEOS. Look through the folders to find your stuff.
9. You can also use the Search utility in Windows and search for a particular audio file on your iPod. Just make sure you specify to search in Hidden Files or Folders. There, a solution that requires no extra software, just a few extra brain cells.

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also itunes has a backup where you can backup your ipod and burn it to a cd or dvd and get your vidz and music