Galaxy S10.5 Tablet frozen on screen saver

Jul 24, 2018
I haven’t seen any posts on this problem. It boots up fine most of the time then out of the blue it will freeze usually on the Samsung screen, never has it froze on the screen saver. I continually have issues with this tablet freezing but I am usually able to fix it with the usual fixes, hold power + volume up, or hold power. I tried power + volume + home this time. Got nothing. Any ideas? I cannot see any thing at the top as far as battery amounts or anything. Thanks in advance for feedback.
You have to charge it some first. It won't go into "Safe Mode" unless it has a little bit of a charge. Enough to turn on and run the device for a few minutes to an hour at least.

It has to be able to turn on for any of this to work.
Sounds rather odd. I mean it could be hardware, but lets start with software first. Try turning off the device (if it won't turn off you will have to wait for it to run out of power) and then start it up in "Safe Mode". Granted, in that mode you can't do a lot of things. There is a reason for that, it is restricted so that you can see if something on the device is the cause of the problem.

If it starts up fine in "Safe Mode" and doesn't freeze up at all, then I would check the tablet for bad apps, malware, viruses, etc. Any of these can cause your problem.

If, however, it still happens even when starting in "Safe Mode", then either the tablet will need a full "Hard Reset". Which will wipe everything. Or it needs to be looked at for hardware problems.

To get into "Safe Mode" please do the following.

1. First turn off the tablet.

2. Next press and hold "Power" until you see the manufacturers logo on the screen, then release the power button.

3. "Quickly" press "Volume Down" and hold it for few seconds until you see the message "Safe mode: ON" or something similar.

4. If you wanted disable it, simply repeat the steps above, and you should see "Safe Mode: OFF" rather than on.

I had to wait for the battery to run completely out. I tried to go into safe mode holding down the power button for at least 3 minutes. The tablet did nothing. I have now plugged it back in for recharge to see what happens. Do you suggest a hard reset if I can get to the point I can do that? BTW, I do not even show the battery charging now, so I may be just kapoot!


Keep you posted!
Thank you!