Gaming Laptop HDD Help


May 31, 2010
So im investing in a really good laptop, since these days I find myself on the go alot. So im going with the Origin PC Eon 15 X 10 Series

And i picked out most of the stuff, but im having a hard time deciding on hard drives (pun intended).

Im trying to figure out if it'd be better to just get a 1TB Samsung 850 EVO SATA m.2 or a 512GB Samsung 950 Pro PCIe NVMe m.2 or just go with a 250GB Samsung 850 EVO SATA m.2 for the OS with 2 1tb Seagate SSD Hybrids and put them in Raid 0.

Any advice? I have a 5tb Seagate External drive already though i wont travel with it all the time, and a PS4/Xbox one grade gaming PC already.

So Im really just looking for this to be a on the go gaming laptop, i can keep some of my favorite games on, and important files/Music collection.

Thank you for any advice
1) Avoid RAID SSD's.
a) probably no TRIM support, and
b) less reliable than a single SSD, and
c) real-world, observable performance is minimal vs single SSD

2) Capacity also depends on how many games you intend to put on them.

3) I would not pay extra for faster SSD's. Again, it's hard to observe the difference IMO.

4) *Personally, I'd consider a single 256GB SSD and get a 2TB HDD for backup of SSD and everything else.

Then put only the GAMES that really benefit most from an SSD (due to frequent load times) such as SKYRIM. For other games, you can create another folder like "E:\STEAM2" on the HDD.

HYBRIDS are not very useful for secondary drives. They contain only a small amount of SSD (i.e. 8GB) which the firmware can...
1) Avoid RAID SSD's.
a) probably no TRIM support, and
b) less reliable than a single SSD, and
c) real-world, observable performance is minimal vs single SSD

2) Capacity also depends on how many games you intend to put on them.

3) I would not pay extra for faster SSD's. Again, it's hard to observe the difference IMO.

4) *Personally, I'd consider a single 256GB SSD and get a 2TB HDD for backup of SSD and everything else.

Then put only the GAMES that really benefit most from an SSD (due to frequent load times) such as SKYRIM. For other games, you can create another folder like "E:\STEAM2" on the HDD.

HYBRIDS are not very useful for secondary drives. They contain only a small amount of SSD (i.e. 8GB) which the firmware can shuffle frequently used files to. Hybrids are most useful as the main drive since boot files etc can make a noticeable difference, but now that SSD's are pretty cheap I recommend the main drive be full SSD.

agreed get a 7200rpm as the games drive and a 256gb or 512gb ssd as a boot, depending on your software usage.

Thanks for the advice! I picked the 500GB Samsung 850 EVO SATA m.2 as my OS Drive and got a 1tb 7200RPM SATA for my storage drive. Unfortunately 2tb 7200 RPM was not a option, I'd have to get 2 of those drives and Raid 0 it and it seemed not worth the expense if theres not much to be gained from it.

Considering i want to do Fallout 4 with mods, Skyrim Remastered with mods and Witcher 3, I opted for the 500GB as my SSD, so i can fit the OS and have enough room for the 3 big games and have some to spare for virtual memory. Everything else and the backup, I'll put on the 1tb SATA, as those are going to be lesser played/older games.

I run 90% of my games off a 5400rpm drive usb 3.0 cause my 7200rpm is full of youtube videos haha, but you should be fine for gaming with a 7200rpm drive a ssd doesnt make that much difference in gaming to be 100% honest.