Gaming Microphone + Youtube


May 1, 2016
Hi All,
I am looking for a good microphone to reccord my game play and post it youtube.
I have a Samson c01u usb studio condenser but the volume is low ( i have tried everything to make it louder ) but as the sound comes out of my speakers being a condenser microphone it picks that sound up far to easy,It even picks up the washing washing machine in the kitchen so when i record and then play it back you can hear an echo.Its a great mic for just recording but not for recording while playing.
I cant wear headsets so i need a good microphone that would have great sound good volume or maybe a amp etc.

With Thanks All
Have you tried recording a few seconds before you start talking, and using that to remove the background noise in post? Free software to make this happen is called Audacity.

If it's too much, then you need to get rid of that background noise. Condenser mics are not ideal for noisy environments.

You may want to buy a directional microphone, but it's likely going to run on a 9V battery or something for X hours, if you buy a entry microphone.

All the best!