Google Chrome backup.


Jan 26, 2015
Would someone be able to tell me what files/folders would be need to backed up from the Chrome user profile folder for the following things.

I want to back up mainly personal data such as Bookmarks, History, Most visited website thumbnails (on the new tab page), probably autofill data etc.

I realise I could probably backup the entire user profile folder but unfortunately I think something is corrupted in mine so will probably need a new one.
When it comes to chrome, when you login, I know all of your book marks and a lot of settings are restored for example if you do a clean install of windows then download and install chrome again.

Including your main favoured websites displayed via the eight windows payne`s provided in google chrome.

You could use your free cloud storage space provided with your chrome account using the google drive feature also.

You can set it up to sync all of the content you are talking about through google drive and it`s options.

Thanks I see this now under settings/Advanced Sync settings. I currently have all of the sync boxes ticked except for bookmarks. I think I may have unticked that at some stage as I didn't want them syncing with my Android phone. I should probably tick that now for backup purposes I suppose or I could I manually backup just the Bookmarks If I decided?