Google Chrome is reloading pages automatically !!


Jan 29, 2018
Hi guys, I'm currently using Google Chrome for browsing internet, there is a strange problem happening with me that i can't find a solution or even explanation for:

Well, the problem is that when i open some page in a tab then open another tab for another content, when i got back to my previous page then i found it is reloaded automatically, that problem is annoying me so much because it kicks away the content i was browsing in it (for example like Facebook). Same thing is happening with any other pages from any other websites.

I'm using windows 7, about Google chrome version i don't know which version specifically but i'm pretty sure 100% its one of the newest versions.

I hope for some help please.

Thanks in advance.

It is...

It is RAM management 101, if you keep many tabs open then some might not stay loaded in the RAM this is to reduce usage on RAM. It makes perfect sense why chrome does this, I'm sure there will be an option somewhere to allocate more RAM (if any available) to chrome.

Update : you can input this in URL "chrome://flags/#automatic-tab-discarding" and disable tab discarding that should probably fix your issue, however if your PC have RAM <4GB then you should leave it on for better (if you want to multitask).