Guys I found a laptop for sale and I need some help


May 24, 2015
I found a literally dirt cheap laptop
It's a Fujitsu LIFEBOOK AH502
Should I get it?
It's owner says that the laptop does not boot into windows but I don't mind fixing that issue
And another questions what is the maximum amount of ram I can add to this laptop?

Depends, I wouldn't spend more than $50 for it if it was running. Being that it doesn't boot into Windows unless you know what the problem is specifically you may need a new Hard drive or something that is totally not worth putting the money into it. It was a low end laptop when it came out nearly 5 years ago. You can upgrade it to 8GB of ram in 2 slots (so removing the 4gb you have you cold have 16gb total)

But that won't make up for the fact its a low end Laptop thats just about enough to browse the web (poorly) and won't play HD video.

Does it include a copy of Windows or a windows license? Because if not you're buying one for $80 so now your $40 ancient laptop becomes $120.

What do you plan to use it for?
If you can, go to the seller with somebody who is able to diagnose the problem before purchasing. Probbably, the seller was at the service to check what's wrong and he got the answer that it's not worth of it, BUT maybe he is not interested in taking that to the service...

You can also run selftest on laptop to see if HDD is faulity. Self test can be inside BIOS menu under Diagnostics category, but there are also third-party diagnostics softwares like (Hiren's Boot CD, Ultimate Boot CD etc.). If you can't enter BIOS with F2 or F12 function buttons, don't buy it! Also I absolutely don't recommend buying laptop without knowing what's wrong with it.

😉 Good luck!

I'm with the rest of these guys on this one. If you're bored and looking for something to fix for fun then sure go for it. If this is your only computer then I would save your money and save up for something you will be happier with.
I do fix computers and I built my very own gaming system
I just want this laptop for browsing the Internet in bed or somewhere far from my pc
And it does have a licence key for Windows 8

And sorry for not replying to anybody i'm using my phone and I can't seem to find the reply option lol