Has anyone tried out the AMD Catalyst Omega driver?


Dec 3, 2014
I got the notification regarding the AMD Catalyst Omega driver update via the Raptr application of AMD. I haven't installed any of the v14 drivers due to the black screen on installation and rebooting problem with the Windows 8.1

So wanted to ask whether anyone has tried out this new driver on a Dell Inspiron series laptops?
And if yes then what was your experience?

I read the release notes in which they mentioned about resolving the problems with the black screen. But still wanted to ask about the driver situation with the Dell Laptops before installing them.

I am using Dell Inspiron 3537 Win8.1 64-bit

PLEASE REPLY TO THIS THREAD IF YOU GOT ANY. I need performance improvements for the graphics card not just for gaming purpose but for also other simulation softwares for the project work
Cant speak for Dell systems but it is working great for me and it is the most tested driver in AMD history.

Check out the videos on the AMD website.
i have tried omega drivers and they are great

they have solved over 400 bugs and have made optimisations

with 14.11.2 beta my farcry 4 was 35-45 FPS in ultra

with 14.12 Omega it is 65-80 FPS in ultra

May I know what system you are using?

Obviously the driver has a lot of improvements and most importantly for me was reading the Black Screen issue in the Resolved section. And with the R9 series its totally awesome. Just that the notebooks have a problem with the driver many times I was curious about its compatibility with the notebook PCs

they have done well...

i used to have frequent crashing while gaming.. it seems to be fixed now

Which graphics card(s) do you run?
Got 2 running it

i5 on Asus mobo with a Sapphire R9 290
FX on MSI mobo with a MSI HD 7850

I got the Omega chipset driver for the FX and multitasking is noticeably improved. Just seamless really.

I guess I'd like to try out the new omega
Haha, I think you might be going through the placebo effect :)

Catalyst only affects the GPU and has nothing do with CPUs (Mantle and APUs aside). If you were to see any change it would be from the new features it has for your GPU in gaming and video playback.
haha guess it is like a new set of tires or something.

Sometimes I really hated on the FX before the first WHQL drivers.

From before then to right now.. it is so much better.

All I can Find about the AHCI is about crashing fixes but I guess it is a little placebo and a little of it just working better.

(Mantle and APUs aside) :)

He has a FX CPU which would receive no benefit from this driver.
I just installed the Windows 7 Catalyst omega drivers on Vista.
It did require substantial hacking to do it. On 14.9 it was as simple as editing the inf file
and manually installing through device manager. 14.12 not only required editing the inf
but I had to write a wrapper dll for powrprof.dll and hex edit several ati*** dlls and exe files.

It was worth it though. http://postimg.org/image/3mhdaaysj/
That is with my weak little radeon 6670. I can't wait to try it on the Radeon 7850 I have coming
(I am sure it is optimized for GCN)

Hibernation works just fine for me. What problems are having?
Is the hibernation button not there or does it crash or something?

If you are missing the hibernation button, open a command prompt and type
powercfg /hibernate on
I have the hibernation button and I use it all the time. The old driver works perfectly with it. Omega seems to have an issue. It does not allow the system to shut off the power after I click on hibernate (I kept it for about 30mins which is way too much time for hibernating). Also when the screen goes into power saver mode it does not wake up. so I have to press the power key to switch off the laptop and then switch it ON.

I have a laptop and so the mobility driver version of omega. May be there is a problem with that version